版本发布时间: 2020-01-14 19:33:42
testcontainers/testcontainers-dotnet最新发布版本:3.6.0(2023-11-11 03:49:34)
As part of this release we had 6 issues closed.
:warning: This version has breaking changes (relates to #154 and commit e037aae), to provide reliable unit tests, the implementation of IAsyncDisposable
) was necessary.
- #160 Add WithDockerEndpoint to ITestcontainersBuilder.
- #180 Add WithDockerfile to IImageFromDockerfileBuilder.
- #181 Update nginx examples in README.md.
- #154 Fix issue, where xUnit tests run in certain circumstances in a deadlock.
- #178 Fix issue, where Wait.UntilPortsAreAvailable throws and exception if the container does not have /bin/bash (by @jdelucaa).
- #183 Fix issue, where local Docker images where not found.