


版本发布时间: 2019-12-26 14:59:49

seagle0128/.emacs.d最新发布版本:v7.1.0(2023-08-01 00:10:37)

  1. Beautify org bullets.
  2. Fix #119: Invalid face in terminal.
  3. [Enhancement] Update packages asynchronously.
  4. Fix #122: Prolog interactive mode not displaying correctly.
  5. [Performace] Disable highlight-indent-guides.
  6. Improve hydras.
  7. Redefine M-< and M-> for some modes.
  8. User term instead of ansi-term in pop-shell.
  9. Disable "git-grep(1)" Popup Browser Tab on Windows.
  10. Add scala-mode.
  11. Add misc functions.
  12. Prettify git-messenger.
  13. Improve RSS reader.
  14. Toggle swiper and swiper-isearch with the current input.
  15. Misc improvements.

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