版本发布时间: 2019-11-26 05:29:19
weecology/DeepForest最新发布版本:1.0.0(2021-06-06 11:46:06)
Model training parameters: https://www.comet.ml/bw4sz/deepforest/fabe532d9e5f4edaa98edf0d2c080011
red is the new release, blue the previous release. Recall and precision for each of the sites in the NeonTreeEvaluation Benchmark
> summary_statistics(results,method="all")
# A tibble: 2 x 3
Method mean_precision mean_recall
<chr> <dbl> <dbl>
1 Weinstein_unpublished 0.617 0.726
2 Weinstein2019 0.567 0.645
1、 finetuned_weights_20191126_170710.h5 139.33MB