


版本发布时间: 2019-11-06 02:36:09

facebook/zstd最新发布版本:v1.5.6(2024-03-31 02:57:28)

This release includes some major performance improvements and new CLI features, which make it a recommended upgrade.

Faster Decompression Speed

Decompression speed has been substantially improved, thanks to @terrelln. Exact mileage obviously varies depending on files and scenarios, but the general expectation is a bump of about +10%. The benefit is considered applicable to all scenarios, and will be perceptible for most usages.

Some benchmark figures for illustration:

v1.4.3 v1.4.4
silesia.tar 1440 MB/s 1600 MB/s
enwik8 1225 MB/s 1390 MB/s
calgary.tar 1360 MB/s 1530 MB/s

Faster Compression Speed when Re-Using Contexts

In server workloads (characterized by very high compression volume of relatively small inputs), the allocation and initialization of zstd's internal datastructures can become a significant part of the cost of compression. For this reason, zstd has long had an optimization (which we recommended for large-scale users, perhaps with something like this): when you provide an already-used ZSTD_CCtx to a compression operation, zstd tries to re-use the existing data structures, if possible, rather than re-allocate and re-initialize them.

Historically, this optimization could avoid re-allocation most of the time, but required an exact match of internal parameters to avoid re-initialization. In this release, @felixhandte removed the dependency on matching parameters, allowing the full context re-use optimization to be applied to effectively all compressions. Practical workloads on small data should expect a ~3% speed-up.

In addition to improving average performance, this change also has some nice side-effects on the extremes of performance.

Dictionaries and Large Inputs

In theory, using a dictionary should always be beneficial. However, due to some long-standing implementation limitations, it can actually be detrimental. Case in point: by default, dictionaries are prepared to compress small data (where they are most useful). When this prepared dictionary is used to compress large data, there is a mismatch between the prepared parameters (targeting small data) and the ideal parameters (that would target large data). This can cause dictionaries to counter-intuitively result in a lower compression ratio when compressing large inputs.

Starting with v1.4.4, using a dictionary with a very large input will no longer be detrimental. Thanks to a patch from @senhuang42, whenever the library notices that input is sufficiently large (relative to dictionary size), the dictionary is re-processed, using the optimal parameters for large data, resulting in improved compression ratio.

The capability is also exposed, and can be manually triggered using ZSTD_dictForceLoad.

New commands

zstd CLI extends its capabilities, providing new advanced commands, thanks to great contributions :

Single-File Decoder with Web Assembly

Let’s complete the picture with an impressive contribution from @cwoffenden. libzstd has long offered the capability to build only the decoder, in order to generate smaller binaries that can be more easily embedded into memory-constrained devices and applications.

@cwoffenden built on this capability and offers a script creating a single-file decoder, as an amalgamated variant of reference Zstandard’s decoder. The package is completed with a nice build script, which compiles the one-file decoder into WASM code, for embedding into web application, and even tests it.

As a capability example, check out the awesome WebGL demo provided by @cwoffenden in /contrib/single_file_decoder/examples directory!

Full List

相关地址:原始地址 下载(tar) 下载(zip)

1、 zstd-1.4.4.tar.gz 1.86MB

2、 zstd-1.4.4.tar.gz.sha256 84B

3、 zstd-1.4.4.tar.zst 1.34MB

4、 zstd-1.4.4.tar.zst.sha256 85B

5、 1.26MB

6、 1.35MB
