


版本发布时间: 2019-10-18 09:15:00

jgthms/bulma最新发布版本:1.0.2(2024-07-25 23:02:20)

Big update

Larger form controls

Controls and buttons are now 2.5em high. You can revert this resizing by setting these previous values:

$control-height: 2.25em
$control-padding-vertical: calc(0.375em - #{$control-border-width})
$control-padding-horizontal: calc(0.625em - #{$control-border-width})
$button-padding-vertical: calc(0.375em - #{$button-border-width})
$button-padding-horizontal: 0.75em 

Light and dark colors

Each main color ("primary", "info", "success", "warning", "danger") now has a *-light and *-dark version. They are calculated using 2 new color functions:

The light colors are used by the button element, while the light and dark colors are used by the message component.

Panel colors

The panel component is now available in all the different colors.

4-value color map

The $colors Sass map now accepts, for each of its values, a map of up to 4 values. For example: the key "info" now has the ($info, $info-invert, $info-light, $info-dark) map.

If you provide a $custom-colors map, you can decide to provide a map of 1, 2, 3 or 4 values for each value. If fewer than 4 are provided, Bulma will calculate the remaining ones:

$custom-colors: (
  "lime": (lime),
  "tomato": (tomato, white),
  "orange": ($orange, $orange-invert, $orange-light),
  "lavender": ($lavender, $lavender-invert, $lavender-light, $lavender-dark)

This is processed by the updated mergeColorMaps() Sass function.

Scheme variables

There are 6 new $scheme derived variables: $scheme-main $scheme-main-bis $scheme-main-ter $scheme-invert $scheme-invert-bis $scheme-invert-ter They replace the $white and $black occurences in the codebase. This makes it easy to create a "Dark mode" simply by swapping the values:

$scheme-main: $black
$scheme-invert: $white
// etc.

That is also why most of the codebase now references derived variables ($text, $background, $border etc.) instead of initial ones ($grey, $grey-lighter, $grey-darker etc.): updating the derived variables will affect all elements and components directly.

Initial variables

Derived variables

Other variables

Bug fixes

New features

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