


版本发布时间: 2019-09-24 23:18:11

ocornut/imgui最新发布版本:v1.90.8(2024-06-06 23:55:31)

Fall celebration release! This is a general release, keeping with the rhythm of having more frequent, smaller releases.

Reading the full changelog is a good way to keep up to date with the things dear imgui has to offer, and maybe will give you ideas of some features that you've been ignoring until now!

See for the project homepage. See for earlier release notes. See for bindings, links, 3rd parties helpers/extensions, widgets etc. Issues and support: Technical support for new users: (also search in GitHub Issues)

Thank you!

Ongoing work on dear imgui is currently being sponsored by Blizzard Entertainment and Google (welcome Google!) + general & community work by many individual users, hobbyists and studios. See the readme for details. Huge thank you to all of you, past and present supporters! You help is very meaningful.

A lot of my time recently has been working on way to scale the team and increase velocity of Dear ImGui development. This is translating into contributions from more developers already visible in this version (with more to come!). Upcoming sponsors and donations will help fund an increasing amount of other developers.

Dear ImGui is looking for a technical writer to help writing technical articles, tutorials and documentation. Please reach out if you are interesting in helping! (omarcornut at gmail)


Other Changes:

Beta features!

The docking (#2109) and multi-viewports (#1542) features are available in the docking branch, they are in beta but actively maintained and being used by many teams already. Your continuous feedback is always appreciated. Recent changes to the multi-viewport and docking features:

There's a CMake pull-request (#1713) if you prefer a traditional CMake integration over registering imgui sources files in your own project. There's a premake5 branch if you prefer the nicer Visual Studio projects generated by premake.

Help wanted!


See Gallery threads for more pictures and to post yours!

"An industrial application for inspecting water pipes using an ultrasonic scanner" by @soulthreads Also see widget. minipars

"Writing a Minecraft seed preview / NBT editor / possibly world editor" by @mnurzia image

Micro Profiler from by @zeux based on @jonasmr's microprofile MP_Detailed_02

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