


版本发布时间: 2019-07-31 02:03:37

opendistro-for-elasticsearch/index-management-kibana-plugin最新发布版本:v1.13.0.1(2021-02-18 07:45:15)

Alpha release candidate 1 of Index Management Kibana v1.0.0.0 for Open Distro for Elasticsearch.

Index Management Kibana v1.0.0.0-alpha.1 provides the Kibana view for the Index Management v1.0.0.0-alpha.1 Elasticsearch plugin. It is an alpha-quality release that supports Kibana functionality for the Index Management platform.

This version of Index Management Kibana plugin is built for Kibana version 7.0.1


  1. Create policy using a JSON code editor
  2. View table of policies with delete, edit, and create new policy actions
  3. View table of managed indices where you can see the current status of each managed index along with retrying failed managed indices
  4. View table of indices (cluster wide) where you can see index related information along with adding a policy to an existing index

Known Issues

  1. Not all API calls have complete error handling
  2. Add Policy is using _settings API instead of backend API so there might be unexpected behavior
  3. Remove Policy and Change Policy buttons on Managed Indices table are not implemented yet
  4. Policies [number of affected indices] column will be empty

What's next

  1. Graceful/complete error handling around API calls
  2. Single view page of Managed Index to get a deeper look at each index
  3. Audit logs view of actions taken on each managed index
  4. Add Policy, Remove Policy, Change Policy, Stop ISM, Start ISM, Explain ISM API integrations.


Step 1: Follow the Installation instructions for Index Management v1.0.0.0-alpha.1

Step 2: Download and install Kibana OSS 7.0.1

Step 3: Install Index Management Kibana

  1. Download the file of the alpha release from Asserts.
  2. Run the following command from the Kibana OSS 7.0.1 directory to install the Index Management Kibana plugin
  3. ./bin/kibana-plugin install file://<path to>
  4. ./bin/kibana --optimize

Step 4: Start Kibana


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