版本发布时间: 2024-11-19 12:59:33
RROrg/rr最新发布版本:24.12.4(2024-12-11 20:57:35)
- 修改 initrd 格式, 加快启动速度.
- 修复 "修改 TTYD/DUFS/HTTP 的端口" 后 menu.sh 被锁无法再次进入的问题.
- 修复 "设置静态 IP", "设置无线帐号" 卡住的问题.
- 修复 11代以上主板开启 VT-d 时,安装 4.x 内核的型号启动失败的问题.
- 优化大量逻辑和描述。
- 修复 epyc7002 i915 对 ADL-N 型号的支持,thanks @moetayuko.
- 修复 geminilake kvmx64 平台的 beep 支持.
- 修复 nvmevolume 插件 不生效的问题.
- 添加 beep 插件, 在启动和关机时发出哔声(需要主板有蜂鸣器).
- 添加 maiyunda 插件, 迈云达设备 RESET 按钮功能适配 迈云达 https://www.maiyunda.com/.
- 添加 smartctl 插件, 修复 HBA 设备上磁盘的 SMART 信息 (待测试).
- Modify the initrd format to speed up the boot process.
- Fix the problem that menu.sh is locked and cannot be accessed again after "Change ports of TTYD/DUFS/HTTP".
- Fix the problem that "Set static IP" and "Set wireless account" are stuck.
- Fix the problem that the model with 4.x kernel installed fails to boot when VT-d is turned on for 11th generation and above motherboards.
- Optimize a lot of logic and descriptions.
- Fix epyc7002 i915 support for ADL-N models, thanks @moetayuko.
- Fix beep support for geminilake kvmx64 platform.
- Fix the problem that nvmevolume plugin does not work.
- Add beep addon to make beeps when starting and shutting down (need the motherboard to have a buzzer).
- Add maiyunda addon to adapt the RESET button function of Maiyunda device Maiyunda https://www.maiyunda.com/.
- Add smartctl addon to fix the SMART information of disks on HBA devices (need tested).
Full Changelog: https://github.com/RROrg/rr/compare/24.11.1...24.11.11
- 关于 24.11.11 RRM 异常问题
请在 DSM shell 中 以 root 方式执行以下命令 (或者通过 任务计划):
sed -i 's/synoboo\$/synoboot\$/' /usr/bin/rr-loaderdisk.sh
- About 24.11.11 RRM abnormality
Temporary solution:
Please execute the following command as root in DSM shell (or through task plan):
sed -i 's/synoboo\$/synoboot\$/' /usr/bin/rr-loaderdisk.sh
1、 rr-24.11.11.img.zip 554.63MB
2、 rr-24.11.11.ova.zip 552.82MB
3、 sha256sum 347B
4、 updateall-24.11.11.zip 538.35MB