版本发布时间: 2019-07-11 17:04:40
godotengine/godot最新发布版本:3.6-stable(2024-09-09 16:22:12)
This maintenance update provides various important bug fixes in the new 3.1 stable branch in rendering, C# support and various other areas.
A forward incompatible change was made to the Object deserialization API to fix a security issue. GDNative plugins made for 3.1-stable should thus be recompiled for 3.1.1 and later.
In case you encounter slow downloads on TuxFamily's servers, all files for this release are mirrored under Assets below.
1、 godot-3.1.1-stable.tar.xz 12.51MB
2、 godot-3.1.1-stable.tar.xz.sha256 113B
3、 Godot_v3.1.1-stable_changelog.txt 12.62KB
4、 Godot_v3.1.1-stable_export_templates.tpz 431.68MB
5、 Godot_v3.1.1-stable_linux_headless.64.zip 23.8MB
6、 Godot_v3.1.1-stable_linux_server.64.zip 11.38MB
7、 Godot_v3.1.1-stable_mono_export_templates.tpz 188.11MB
8、 Godot_v3.1.1-stable_mono_osx.64.zip 49.93MB
9、 Godot_v3.1.1-stable_mono_win32.zip 45.73MB
10、 Godot_v3.1.1-stable_mono_win64.zip 45.53MB
11、 Godot_v3.1.1-stable_mono_x11_32.zip 59.65MB
12、 Godot_v3.1.1-stable_mono_x11_64.zip 58.77MB
13、 Godot_v3.1.1-stable_osx.64.zip 26.76MB
14、 Godot_v3.1.1-stable_win32.exe.zip 22.81MB
15、 Godot_v3.1.1-stable_win64.exe.zip 22.49MB
16、 Godot_v3.1.1-stable_x11.32.zip 25.11MB
17、 Godot_v3.1.1-stable_x11.64.zip 25.27MB