


版本发布时间: 2015-09-18 15:17:05

gsamokovarov/jump最新发布版本:v0.51.0(2022-08-08 02:24:47)

This new release comes with a smarter search term support.

Case-sensitive Search

Up until now, all the searches were case-insensitive. To trigger a case-sensitive search, use a term that has different case in one of the letters.

For example:

j Dev

Will jump to /Users/foo/Development instead of /Users/foo/Development/dev-tools even if dev-toolshas scored better.

Deeper Search

The first jump normalized all search terms to the base names the saved directories. Why? Because directory names are long and short terms can fuzzy match them easily. Most of the times we actually want that. But only most of the times. :-)

Say you have a lot of client specific directory with projects inside of them.

├── artwork
├── interview
└── website

└── website

When you time web, which website should you jump to? Currently, it will be the one with the higher score, say society/website. If you wanted to go to chaos/website, you had no way to trigger it. Well, now you can:

j ch/web

The term above will match /Users/foo/Development/chaos/website. The search is normalized only on the last two parts of the target paths. This will again ensure you better match, because the path gets shorter.

You can put as many separators as you want in your term.

j dev/ch/web

The term above will match the last three dirs of the path.

相关地址:原始地址 下载(tar) 下载(zip)

1、 jump-0.2.0-1.x86_64.rpm 892.87KB

2、 jump_0.2.0_amd64.deb 892.65KB
