版本发布时间: 2024-11-03 11:16:06
localsend/localsend最新发布版本:v1.16.1(2024-11-05 08:14:52)
Windows 7 is no longer supported to keep up with the latest updates from Flutter. LocalSend now uses Rust as HTTP client (rhttp). This improves performance when the sending device is the bottleneck (e.g. Android to Windows). The receiver is still written in Dart. In the future, we might also rewrite it in Rust to achieve the best performance.
- feat: improve transfer speed if the sending device is the bottleneck by using Rust as HTTP client and multithreading (@Tienisto)
- feat: add option to automatically receive files only from favorites (@Davte)
- feat: only automatically finish when files are either successfully received or skipped (@Tienisto)
- feat: improve various padding and spacing issues in RTL languages (@ShlomoCode)
- feat: persist "advanced settings" toggle (@Nolle10)
- feat: add alias-regeneration button and alias update dialog (@Nolle10)
- feat(macos): drag-and-drop files and text into menu bar icon (@ShlomoCode)
- feat(macos): drag-and-drop text into the app icon (@ShlomoCode)
- feat(macos): include LocalSend as a share target in the share menu (@ShlomoCode)
- feat(macos): starts hidden in menu bar instead of being minimized when autostart is enabled (@ShlomoCode)
- feat(macos): show error and success state in the app icon (@ShlomoCode, @Tienisto)
- feat(macos): also have autostart option in sandboxed version (App Store) (@ShlomoCode)
- feat(macos): LocalSend installed via dmg installer is sandboxed (@Tienisto)
- feat(android): enable clipboard button (@Seidko)
- feat(ios): enable clipboard button (@AnessZurba)
- fix(macos): reopen app from launchpad after minimizing to menu bar should make window visible (@ShlomoCode)
- fix(macos): persist write access to download location after app restart (@ShlomoCode)
- docs: @thatLeaflet, @GlgApr, @BigPebble123
- i18n: add Malaysian (@Gloridust), Slovak (@dodog)
- i18n: @Flitskikker, @tatsumain, @gdonisi, @UnifeGi, @Matthaiks, @graphemecluster, @dodog, @multipetros, @faea726, @sergd88, @Amereyeu, @vic-blt, @esaracho, @farshad991, @nidexingg, @LoboGuardian, @Neo1102, @gidano, @nebojsatomic, @BryanJames16, @ArthurLobopro, @ShlomoCode, @ilius, @sf0nt, @dz0ny, @LandOfDar, @protheeuz, @GlgApr, @manuelzzz, @louipa, @erelado, @Gloridust, @Olivetti, @Nolle10, @gavindang2911, @albanobattistella, @AmerDje, @plinkr, @ERy03, @gmourahub, @Scienticious, @LivioZ, @soya-daizu, @furkanipek, @Nixuge, @BigPebble123
1、 LocalSend-1.16.0-android-arm32v7.apk 16.01MB
2、 LocalSend-1.16.0-android-arm64v8.apk 16.47MB
3、 LocalSend-1.16.0-android-google-play.apk 40.39MB
4、 LocalSend-1.16.0-android-x64.apk 16.67MB
5、 LocalSend-1.16.0-linux-arm-64.deb 10.52MB
6、 LocalSend-1.16.0-linux-arm-64.tar.gz 15.5MB
7、 LocalSend-1.16.0-linux-x86-64.AppImage 47.48MB
8、 LocalSend-1.16.0-linux-x86-64.deb 11.29MB
9、 LocalSend-1.16.0-linux-x86-64.tar.gz 15.84MB
10、 LocalSend-1.16.0-windows-x86-64.exe 14.03MB
11、 LocalSend-1.16.0-windows-x86-64.zip 17.73MB
12、 LocalSend-1.16.0.dmg 34.16MB