版本发布时间: 2024-09-30 17:29:51
jianchang512/pyvideotrans最新发布版本:v2.79(2024-10-13 17:07:35)
- Fix: 修复多角色配音
- Feat: 批量字幕翻译时AI渠道增加模型选择
- Fix: #554
- Feat: 音视频转字幕、批量翻译、批量配音记住上次选项
- Fix: 优化启动速度
- Fix: #554
- Fix: #553
- Feat: 增加 openai-whisper/large-v3-turbo
- 工具/选项-高级选项中增加“faster/openai-whisper识别后重新断句”选项,默认重新划分句子
v2.70 完整包下载/complete package
如果未安装过旧版本,请在此下载完整版/If have not installed an older version, download the full version here
百度网盘: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1_r-at_r_K3usku2Yj4lRxw?pwd=ziqc
GitHub: https://github.com/jianchang512/pyvideotrans/releases/download/v2.66/win-videotrans-2.70.7z
v2.71 补丁包/patchUpdate package
如果已安装过2.x版本,可下载补丁包后解压在sp.exe所在目录,覆盖已有sp.exe和文件夹 If have already installed version 2.x, can download the patch package and unzip it in the sp.exe directory, overwriting the existing
GitHub: https://github.com/jianchang512/pyvideotrans/releases/download/v2.66/win-PatchUpdate-2.71.7z
百度网盘: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1swWlcZL2avEdjYbZeHdANQ?pwd=7iad
所有模型下载地址/Download all models
为避免压缩包体积过大,预打包版只内置最小模型 tiny,识别效果不佳,效果更好的模型请点击下载
In order to avoid the compressed package volume is too large, the pre-packaged version is only built-in the smallest model tiny, the recognition effect is not good, the effect of better models please click to download!
1、 win-PatchUpdate-2.69.7z 139.93MB
2、 win-videotrans-2.69.7z 1.97GB
3、 win-PatchUpdate-2.70.7z 139.93MB
4、 win-videotrans-2.70.7z 1.97GB
5、 win-PatchUpdate-2.71.7z 139.93MB