


版本发布时间: 2024-09-22 15:29:04

losehu/uv-k5-firmware-custom最新发布版本:0.13.2(2024-09-22 15:29:04)



  1. 菜单上下颠倒

    • 连按两次 F 键,再按 EXIT 键,或 F+数字键 后再按 EXIT 键等情况下,菜单会上下颠倒。
  2. 进入14号菜单后,无法通过数字直接切换至其他菜单

  3. 拼音输入法:

    • 完善拼音输入光标点的水平位置计算方法,尽量使其与对应文字居中显示。
    • 拼音输入光标点上移一个像素,避免与待选汉字连显。
    • 可选拼音组合大于一页(3个)时,选择第二页的组合后按 Exit 删除部分拼音输入,当新的可选组合不足两页时,系统会死机。
    • 输入任意拼音组合后,删除全部拼音输入,再按 Menu 将输入位置调整到最后一个字符时,系统会出现错乱。
    • ENABLE_PINYIN=1 && ENABLE_MDC1200=1 && ENABLE_MDC1200_EDIT=1 的情况下,26号菜单的 MDC ID 输入数字0-9没有反应。而且,在26号菜单输入后直接进入14号菜单编辑信道名称,会导致输入的内容与待选拼音不符。
  4. DTMF显示:

    • 在信道模式下,显示 DTMF 信息时,如果按下 PTT 键,DTMF 信息会与小天线图标重合。
  5. 以下操作后,按下的第一个按键无效 (Menu, 0-9, *, F):

    • * 键进入 DTMF 拨号功能,等待8秒自动退出。
    • * 键进入 DTMF 拨号功能,输入内容后按 PTT 键发射,再按 * 键后不做输入,直接按 PTT 发射。
  6. 主界面显示 bug:

    • 双守模式下,上面的信道接收信号后,信道号后面正常显示 .,此时如果下面的信道开始接收信号,上下两个信道会同时显示 .,直到下面信道信号接收停止。
  7. 解决SI4732收音机拖影

    • 优化显示逻辑
    • 4可以开关SNR显示,关闭SNR显示可以解决规律噪音问题


  1. 增加 T 模式
    宝峰 UV5RH 和森海克斯 8600 都有此模式,在某些场景下比较实用。
    操作: F+8 或长按 8 键,循环设置:正常模式 → R → T。

    • 未设置频差方向和频差频率时,三种模式没有区别。
    • 设置频差方向和频差频率时,三种模式区别如下:
      • 正常模式: 按频差设置正常收发。
      • R 模式: 倒频模式,颠倒正常模式的收发设置。
      • T 模式: 按接收频率进行收发。
  2. DTMF联系人加入中文显示
    目前,只有第一个字符为非中文时,才能正常显示中文,否则会显示 NULL


Bug Fixes and New Features

Bug Fixes

  1. Menu Display Reversed

    • When pressing the F key twice in succession, followed by the EXIT key, or pressing F+number key followed by EXIT, the menu will display upside-down.
  2. Unable to Switch Menus Directly Using Numbers After Entering Menu 14

  3. Pinyin Input Method:

    • Improved the horizontal positioning of the pinyin input cursor to align it as centered as possible with the corresponding text.
    • Raised the pinyin input cursor by one pixel to avoid overlapping with candidate characters.
    • When the number of selectable pinyin combinations exceeds one page (more than 3), selecting a combination from the second page and then deleting part of the pinyin input using Exit causes the system to crash if the new set of selectable combinations is less than two pages.
    • After inputting any pinyin combination, deleting all the input, and then pressing Menu to adjust the input position to the last character, the system becomes disordered.
    • When ENABLE_PINYIN=1 && ENABLE_MDC1200=1 && ENABLE_MDC1200_EDIT=1 is enabled, inputting digits 0-9 for MDC ID in Menu 26 has no response. Moreover, entering Menu 14 directly after inputting in Menu 26 to edit the channel name causes a mismatch between the input content and the selected pinyin characters.
  4. DTMF Display:

    • In channel mode, while displaying DTMF information, pressing the PTT key causes the DTMF information to overlap with the small antenna icon.
  5. First Key Press Becomes Invalid (Menu, 0-9, *, F) After the Following Operations:

    • Pressing the * key to enter the DTMF dialing function, waiting 8 seconds for it to auto-exit.
    • Pressing the * key to enter the DTMF dialing function, inputting content, then pressing the PTT key to transmit, and pressing the * key again without further input, then pressing the PTT key to transmit directly.
  6. Main Screen Display Bug:

    • In dual-watch mode, when the upper channel is receiving a signal, a . is correctly displayed after the channel number. If the lower channel starts receiving a signal, both channels display . simultaneously until the lower channel stops receiving the signal.
  7. Fixed SI4732 Radio Shadow Effect:

    • Optimized display logic.
    • Pressing 4 can toggle the SNR display, and turning off the SNR display resolves the regular noise issue.

New Features

  1. Added T Mode
    Both Baofeng UV5RH and Senhaix 8600 have this mode, which is useful in certain scenarios.
    Operation: F+8 or long press the 8 key, cycle through the settings: Normal Mode → R → T.

    • If the frequency shift direction and offset frequency are not set, all three modes function the same.
    • When the frequency shift direction and offset frequency are set, the modes differ as follows:
      • Normal Mode: Transmits and receives according to the frequency shift settings.
      • R Mode: Reverse mode, swaps the transmission and reception settings of Normal Mode.
      • T Mode: Transmits based on the receive frequency.
  2. DTMF Contacts Support Chinese Display
    Currently, Chinese characters are displayed correctly only if the first character is non-Chinese; otherwise, NULL is displayed.

  3. SI4732 Radio:

    • Pressing 4 can toggle the SNR display, and turning off the SNR display resolves the regular noise issue.

相关地址:原始地址 下载(tar) 下载(zip)

1、 LOSEHU132.bin 59.95KB

2、 LOSEHU132E.bin 59.72KB

3、 LOSEHU132EK.bin 59.95KB

4、 LOSEHU132H.bin 59.83KB

5、 LOSEHU132HS.bin 60.01KB

6、 LOSEHU132K.bin 60.01KB
