版本发布时间: 2024-09-20 00:39:30
jumpserver/luna最新发布版本:v3.10.14(2024-10-24 14:02:52)
版本变化 What’s Changed
- merge: from dev to master @fit2bot (#1167)
- perf: play replay while loading @fit2bot (#1166)
- perf: modify guacamole player css @fit2bot (#1165)
- perf: Added a disabling effect to the progress bar when clicked @fit2bot (#1164)
- fixed: Fixed an issue where Luna theme could not be switched @fit2bot (#1163)
- perf: add part replay support @fit2bot (#1162)
- perf: get user own adhoc @fit2bot (#1160)
- fixed: Fixed issue with sticky board content disappearing @fit2bot (#1159)
- fixed: Fixed cursor style @fit2bot (#1158)
- perf: Keyboard shortcut replacement @fit2bot (#1156)
- perf: Optimize the logic of opening the k8s interface @fit2bot (#1155)
- feat: bump node from 16.20 to 20.15 @fit2bot (#1147)
- chore: update checkout action @fit2bot (#1152)
- fixed: remove unused configuration @fit2bot (#1151)
- Revert "perf: Remove k8s" @feng626 (#1150)
- perf: Remove k8s @fit2bot (#1149)
- perf: Remove k8s @fit2bot (#1148)
- v4.1.0 @fit2bot (#1146)
1、 luna-v4.2.0.tar.gz 2.08MB
2、 luna-v4.2.0.tar.gz.md5 33B