


版本发布时间: 2024-09-19 15:16:01

KaringX/karing最新发布版本:v1.0.30.402(2024-09-27 17:16:58)

  1. Mobile: set up a new appletv entry
  2. Network detection: improve network connectivity detection
  3. Fix the problem that v2ray hy, hy2 mport does not convert
  4. Remove the default dns proxy, alicdn in the cn area in final
  5. ECS is not enabled by default in novice mode
  6. Fix the problem that the automatic server setting may be set to an unavailable server in novice mode
  7. Adjust the logic of resolving inbound domain names: only for connections connected through a proxy and rule ports
  8. Hide the option of resolving inbound domain names in novice mode
  9. Adjust the resolution of inbound domain names to dns settings
  10. Fix the problem of the main screen toolbar being displayed in the center (introduced in 393)
  11. Other fixes and improvements

  1. 移动端:设置新增appletv入口
  2. 网络检测:改进网络联通性检测
  3. 修复v2ray hy,hy2 mport 没有转换的问题
  4. 移除默认dns proxy,final 里cn地区的alicdn
  5. 新手模式默认不启用ecs
  6. 修复新手模式下,自动设置服务器可能设置为不可用服务器的问题
  7. 调整 解析入站域名 逻辑:仅对通过代理接入的连接,并且是规则端口才生效
  8. 新手模式隐藏 解析入站域名 选项
  9. 解析入站域名 调整到 dns 设置
  10. 修复主屏工具栏居中显示的问题(393引入)
  11. 其他修复与改进

android TV: android_armv7.apk android mobile: android_arm64.apk windows : windows_x64.exe /

相关地址:原始地址 下载(tar) 下载(zip)

1、 karing_1.0.29.394_android_arm64.apk 39.71MB

2、 karing_1.0.29.394_android_armv7.apk 41.08MB

3、 karing_1.0.29.394_windows_x64.exe 33.36MB

4、 44.38MB
