版本发布时间: 2024-09-12 22:32:25
jordanbaird/Ice最新发布版本:0.11.12(2024-10-30 03:29:03)
What's New
- Brand new UI.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a timeout that can occur when moving menu bar items while running certain apps that modify system events.
- Improved compatibility with macOS 15.
Known Issues
- Applying menu bar item spacing can occasionally fail. This can be resolved by logging out.
- Ice's menu bar item does not respect spacing changes. This can be resolved by restarting Ice.
- Menu bar item search field may not receive initial focus.
Full Changelog: https://github.com/jordanbaird/Ice/compare/0.11.0-beta.2...0.11.0-beta.3
1、 Ice.zip 3.25MB