


版本发布时间: 2024-09-11 20:16:09

honojs/hono最新发布版本:v4.6.2(2024-09-17 09:16:04)

Hono v4.6.0 is now available!

One of the highlights of this release is the Context Storage Middleware. Let's introduce it.

Context Storage Middleware

Many users may have been waiting for this feature. The Context Storage Middleware uses AsyncLocalStorage to allow handling of the current Context object even outside of handlers.

For example, let’s define a Hono app with a variable message: string.

type Env = {
  Variables: {
    message: string

const app = new Hono<Env>()

To enable Context Storage Middleware, register contextStorage() as middleware at the top and set the message value.

import { contextStorage } from 'hono/context-storage'



app.use(async (c, next) => {
  c.set('message', 'Hello!')
  await next()

getContext() returns the current Context object, allowing you to get the value of the message variable outside the handler.

import { getContext } from 'hono/context-storage'

app.get('/', (c) => {
  return c.text(getMessage())

// Access the variable outside the handler.
const getMessage = () => {
  return getContext<Env>().var.message

In the case of Cloudflare Workers, you can also access the Bindings outside the handler by using this middleware.

type Env = {
  Bindings: {
    KV: KVNamespace

const app = new Hono<Env>()


const setKV = (value: string) => {
  return getContext<Env>().env.KV.put('key', value)

Thanks @marceloverdijk !

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