


版本发布时间: 2024-09-10 19:06:31

langgenius/dify最新发布版本:0.8.2(2024-09-13 13:45:51)

✨ What’s New in v0.8.0? ✨

Hey everyone, we’re excited to announce the release of version 0.8.0! This update brings a mix of new features, enhancements, and crucial bug fixes. Here’s a quick rundown:

🔥 Key Feature

Parallel Execution of Nodes in Workflows by @takatost, @zxhlyh, and @YIXIAO0 in #8192.


Nodes can now be executed in parallel within a workflow, greatly increasing the execution speed. This feature is especially beneficial for complex workflows that involve multiple steps or processes, allowing for quicker completion times and improved performance.

Dive deeper into the details and unleash the full potential of these new features by exploring our latest blog post and documentation!

🚀 New Features

⚠️ Deprecated Features

⚙️ Enhancements

🛠️ Bug Fixes

That’s it for this release! As always, we appreciate your feedback and contributions. Do it for you! 🚀

Upgrade Guide

Docker compose deployments

[!WARNING] The docker-compose.yaml has been refactored. If you've made any changes to the file, make sure to check out the "Upgrade to new docker compose deployment" section above for usage and migration tips.

  1. Back up your customized docker-compose YAML file (optional)

    cd docker
    cp docker-compose.yaml docker-compose.yaml.$(date +%s).bak
  2. Get the latest code from the main branch

    git checkout main
    git pull origin main
  3. Stop the service,Command, please execute in the docker directory

    docker compose down
  4. Back up data

    tar -cvf volumes-$(date +%s).tgz volumes
  5. Upgrade services

    docker compose up -d

Source Code deployments

  1. Stop API server, Worker and Web frontend Server.

  2. Get the latest code from the main branch:

    git checkout main
    git pull origin main
  3. Update Python dependencies:

    cd api
    poetry install
  4. Then, let's run the migration script:

    poetry shell
    flask db upgrade
  5. Finally, run API server, Worker and Web frontend Server again.

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog:

相关地址:原始地址 下载(tar) 下载(zip)
