


版本发布时间: 2024-09-09 16:55:18

KaringX/karing最新发布版本:v1.0.29.394(2024-09-19 15:16:01)

  1. android: Added import and export of list for proxy by application
  2. Diversion rule detection and network detection: diversion detection is improved. If the resolution of inbound domain name is turned on, the domain name is resolved first and then detected
  3. Improved network detection: Network connectivity depends on DNS resolution. If the DNS is set to resolve DNS through a proxy, and this proxy cannot be used normally, the network connectivity detection will always be a problem of no connection
  4. Improved HandshakeException error prompt
  5. Fixed warp on warp conversion error
  6. Fixed the problem of DNS outbound domain name matching error due to uppercase and lowercase
  7. Other improvements and fixes

  1. android:分应用代理新增列表导入导出
  2. 分流规则探测及网络检测:分流检测改进,如果开启了 解析入站域名, 则先解析域名后检测
  3. 改进网络检测 :网络联通性依赖dns解析,如果dns设置了 通过代理解析dns,而此代理又无法正常使用的情况下,网络联通性检测一直为未联通的问题
  4. 改进 HandshakeException 错误提示
  5. 修复warp on warp 转换错误
  6. 修复dns outbound 域名因为大小写导致匹配错误的问题
  7. 其他改进及修复

android TV: android_armv7.apk android mobile: android_arm64.apk windows : windows_x64.exe /

相关地址:原始地址 下载(tar) 下载(zip)

1、 karing_1.0.28.375_android_arm64.apk 39.53MB

2、 karing_1.0.28.375_android_armv7.apk 40.91MB

3、 karing_1.0.28.375_windows_x64.exe 33.35MB

4、 44.3MB
