


版本发布时间: 2024-09-08 11:30:55

glanceapp/glance最新发布版本:v0.6.2(2024-09-30 07:54:56)

More information about each new widget and property can be found in the configuration docs.


Preconfigured pages

There's a new document with a couple of example preconfigured pages for those who are looking for inspiration or just want to copy-paste something without going through the effort of configuring entire pages from scratch. Pull requests are welcome if you'd like to share your page configs!

Group widget


- type: group
    - type: reddit
      subreddit: gamingnews
      show-thumbnails: true
    - type: reddit
      subreddit: games
      show-thumbnails: true
    - type: reddit
      subreddit: pcgaming
      show-thumbnails: true

Grouping widgets of any type is possible, not just reddit. It also works for both small and full columns! The only exception is that you can't have a group within a group, for those who were going to be cheeky and try that.

(thanks @VeryEvilHumna #169)

DNS stats widget


Supports showing stats from both AdGuard Home and Pi-hole.

- type: dns-stats
  service: adguard
  username: ...
  password: ...
- type: dns-stats
  service: pihole
  token: ...

Branding customization

You can now change things such as the logo, favicon, footer, etc through the new top level branding property:

  # With support for HTML
  custom-footer: |
    <p>Powered by <a href="">Glance</a></p>

  # Or remove the footer entirely
  hide-footer: true

  logo-url: /assets/logo.png
  favicon-url: /assets/logo.png

(thanks @realdavidops #75)

Releases widget now supports showing releases from Docker Hub and GitLab


To help distinguish the source of each repository, there is also a new show-source-icon property:

- type: releases
  show-source-icon: true
    - go-gitea/gitea
    - jellyfin/jellyfin
    - glanceapp/glance
    - gitlab:fdroid/fdroidclient
    - dockerhub:gotify/server

(thanks @bigsk1 #120 & @Fumesover #165)

New customization properties for pages

You can now change the maximum width of pages with the new width property:

  - name: Startpage
    width: slim

Possible options are slim and wide. The maximum width for each is:

Note that when set to slim, the maximum number of columns you can have goes down from 3 to 2.

You can now hide the desktop navigation for individual pages, useful for creating minimalsitic pages:

- name: Startpage
  hide-desktop-navigation: true

You can now vertically center the content on the page:

- name: Startpage
  center-vertically: true

Combining all 3 properties can give you a pretty clean startpage:


The config for this page is available in the preconfigured pages doc.

New base-url property under server

This allows you to host Glance behind a reverse proxy and under a path rather than having to give Glance its own subdomain:

  base-url: /glance

Without base-url:

With base-url (assuming you have your reverse proxy setup correctly):

(thanks @fenying #125 & @CremaLuca #167)

New commits-limit property for the Repository widget

Along with showing the latest issues and pull requests, you can also show the latest commits made to the main branch of a repository:

- type: repository
  commits-limit: 3

(thanks @aharivel #77)

New new-tab and autofocus properties for the Search widget

- type: search
  # defaults to showing results in a new tab when pressing Enter and same tab when pressing Ctrl + Enter
  new-tab: true

  # Automatically focuses the search input on page load so you can start typing immediately
  autofocus: true

(thanks @ralphocdol #137 & @tversteeg #170)

New instance-url and custom-url properties for the Lobsters widget

  - type: lobsters
    instance-url: # lobsters instance hosted somewhere other than
    custom-url: # custom URL to a lobsters instance that returns posts in JSON format

(thanks @bersace #129)

New title-url and css-class properties for all widgets

You can now set links for widget titles:

- type: calendar

- type: weather
  title-url: # link to your favorite weather provider

Some widgets (hacker-news, lobsters, reddit, twitch-channels and twitch-top-games) have sensible URLs set by default, though they can be changed to whatever you like.

To help with styling specific widgets using custom CSS, you can now add your own CSS classes to individual widgets:

  - type: rss
    css-class: my-custom-class-that-makes-links-glow

(thanks @DickenSerm #147)

New check-url for the Monitor widget

- type: monitor
    - title: Jellyfin
      # this is the URL that will open when you click on the title

      # this is the URL that will be requested to determine the status

(thanks @MrExplode #154)

New show-flairs property for the Reddit widget

When set to true, shows post flairs.

New show-failing-only property for the Monitor widget

When set to true shows only the sites which were unreachable or returned an error response. Useful if you're monitoring a lot of sites and only want to look for issues.

  - type: monitor
    show-failing-only: true

New single-line-titles property for the RSS widget with default styling

When set to true, truncates titles if they are longer than a single line. Useful if you're using the RSS widget with default styling in a small column and are unreasonably annoyed by frequent orphans.


Removed style: dynamic-columns-experimental and made it the default behavior

You no longer need to specify the style in order to have the bookmarks, monitor and markets widgets scale in full sized columns.

(thanks @DVDAndroid)

Shorts are now removed by default from the Videos widget

You can revert to showing them again using the new include-shorts property:

- type: videos
  include-shorts: true

(thanks @3rd #176 & @bigsk1 #106)

You can now use custom bangs in the Search widget without a query

Before, if you had a custom bang that simply takes you to a link rather than perform a search, you couldn't use it unless you entered something after it:

doesn't work:



"!jellyfin 123"

This has now been changed and you can simply enter "!jellyfin" with nothing else and it will open the link for you.

(thanks @dracarys18 #163)

Twitch avatars are now clickable

... and they open the channel in a new tab. Neat.

(thanks @DVDAndroid #172)

RSS feeds without any items will no longer show an error

Before, if your RSS feeds didn't return any items you'd get a scary looking error message telling you no content could be fetched. This has now been changed for a more neutral message.

(thanks @DickenSerm #156)


Notable community contributions

DVDAndroid/glance-docker-container-ext - a Glance extension that shows the status of Docker containers:



Glance has surpassed 100,000 downloads on Docker Hub. I did not expect my little side project to grow this much in the span of a couple of months. Thank you so much to everyone who's helped by contributing or simply spreading the word.


A special thank you to the people who have sponsored Glance:

If you'd also like to sponsor the project you can do so here. Thank you!

相关地址:原始地址 下载(tar) 下载(zip)

1、 glance-darwin-amd64.tar.gz 4.73MB

2、 glance-darwin-arm64.tar.gz 4.49MB

3、 glance-freebsd-386.tar.gz 4.37MB

4、 glance-freebsd-amd64.tar.gz 4.64MB

5、 glance-freebsd-arm64.tar.gz 4.31MB

6、 glance-freebsd-armv7.tar.gz 4.35MB

7、 glance-linux-386.tar.gz 4.37MB

8、 glance-linux-amd64.tar.gz 4.64MB

9、 glance-linux-arm64.tar.gz 4.32MB

10、 glance-linux-armv7.tar.gz 4.35MB

11、 glance-openbsd-386.tar.gz 4.37MB

12、 glance-openbsd-amd64.tar.gz 4.64MB

13、 glance-openbsd-arm64.tar.gz 4.32MB

14、 glance-openbsd-armv7.tar.gz 4.36MB

15、 4.53MB

16、 4.76MB

17、 4.37MB

18、 4.44MB
