版本发布时间: 2024-09-06 18:14:25
krayin/laravel-crm最新发布版本:v1.3.1(2024-10-09 14:24:17)
:sparkles: Enhancement
#1583 - Workflow create and edit page ui enhancement.
#1580 - Donut chart, ui enhancement.
#1570 - Kanban Leads add empty placeholder.
#1575 - sidebar menu width.
:bug: Bug Fixes
#1584 - User is not being saved when status is not active.
#1582 - Remove unused links of font family.
#1581 - Product Inventories Migration have be updated.
#1576 - Database Table prefix does not working while installation from CLI and GUI.
#1574 - Inline component ui issues.
#1573 - Add missing mail inbound parse route.
#1572 - Fix modal ui issues.
#1571 - Fixed lookup component.
#1560 - Add description to leads view