


版本发布时间: 2024-09-04 11:51:32

KaringX/karing最新发布版本:v1.0.29.394(2024-09-19 15:16:01)

  1. Fixed the error when adding wg conf Endpoint to ipv6
  2. Fixed the spelling error of perfer
  3. Improved the reporting of data. For versions below the main version, only keep the application activation and stop reporting all others
  4. The feedback entry in the application is no longer displayed for versions below the main version
  5. Updated the privacy agreement and deleted some unused information
  6. Other improvements and fixes

  1. 修复wg conf Endpoint 为ipv6时候添加报错的问题
  2. 修复perfer拼写错误
  3. 改进数据上报,对于主版本以下的版本,仅保留应用激活,其他全部停止上报
  4. 低于主版本的版本不再展示应用内反馈入口
  5. 更新隐私协议,删除了一些未使用到的信息
  6. 其他改进与修复

android TV: android_armv7.apk android mobile: android_arm64.apk windows : windows_x64.exe /

相关地址:原始地址 下载(tar) 下载(zip)

1、 karing_1.0.28.372_android_arm64.apk 39.41MB

2、 karing_1.0.28.372_android_armv7.apk 40.77MB

3、 karing_1.0.28.372_windows_x64.exe 33.25MB

4、 44.17MB
