版本发布时间: 2024-08-23 20:50:35
krayin/laravel-crm最新发布版本:v1.3.1(2024-10-09 14:24:17)
:sparkles: Enhancement
New, attractive UI design using Tailwind CSS.
#1271 Set both these accounts set as individual and yet they still see all the contacts even though they are also in different groups.
#1048 Dashboard Pie Chart
#791 Should have a responsive design on mobile
:bug: Bug Fixes
#1198 Sent Mail details are appearing in Inbox.
#1298 Toggle button is currently on the sidebar, in the menu section. This is not the perfect place for it .The toggle button is confusing right now
#1403 Created a new admin user and set the status to Inactive. However, after saving, we can see the status as Active.
#1405 Status Color is missing for Inactive.
#1406 Blank Page and console error is appearing when we click on Tags Section in Settings.
#1411 Unappropriated Warning Message is appearing when we send a mail In Leads.
#1418 Mail Section Checkbox's are missing
#1421 While sending Mail, Draft button must be disable.
#1424 Unable to Figure out which view is selected in List View mode, as it is not highlighted.
#1431 Arabic Local Entry is appearing twice in General Configuration.
#1432 Create Pipeline -> Delete the stage -> Warning message not appearing.
#1433 Unable to add Note and Files in Products. Getting issue Illegal operator and value combination.
#1437 Getting Console Error when we Edit SKU and Inventory in Product View Page. Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 405 (Method Not Allowed)
#1438 Favicon Icon for Krayin must be available.
#1445 Getting Exceptional Error when we click on the Product Number in Warehouse Datagrid.
#1450 After fresh Installation when we click on the link it is not redirected to Admin login page.
#1459 Getting Exceptional error when creating a Contact Person and then we fill the required field and then click save button we can see exceptional error.