版本发布时间: 2024-08-07 21:17:44
doctrine/dbal最新发布版本:4.2.1(2024-10-11 02:35:44)
Release Notes for 3.8.7
- Total issues resolved: 0
- Total pull requests resolved: 8
- Total contributors: 6
- 6483: Make the schema manager aware of the disabling of type comments thanks to @stof
- 6363: Properly handle MySQL error code 4031 from PHP 8.4 thanks to @mbeccati
Static Analysis
- 6476: Bump dev tools thanks to @derrabus
- 6334: Make AbstractSchemaManager covariant to its template argument thanks to @zerkms
Test Suite
- 6462: CI: Add MySQL 9, reduce test matrix thanks to @derrabus
- 6461: Complete sentence thanks to @greg0ire
- 6435: mariadb: add nightly workflow to facilitate mariadb "nightlies" thanks to @grooverdan
- 6484: Adapt to mssql-docker breaking change thanks to @greg0ire