版本发布时间: 2019-04-22 21:10:45
microsoft/VFSForGit最新发布版本:v1.0.24074.1(2024-03-15 05:42:14)
Release notes:
- Fixed several incorrect interactions with credentials
- Now scopes credential.useHttpPath to just dev.azure.com hostname
- Now erases credentials on authentication failure
- Now approves credentials on authentication success
- Lots of live-site improvements
- Correlate trace2 stream with VFS for Git stream with the Git session ID.
- Break down update placeholders timings so we can see where time is spend during checkout.
- Many smaller bug fixes
1、 Git-2.20.1.vfs.1.1.104.g2ab7360-64-bit.exe 46.65MB
2、 SetupGVFS.1.0.19101.1.exe 4.29MB