版本发布时间: 2015-08-17 21:17:26
PSAppDeployToolkit/PSAppDeployToolkit最新发布版本:3.10.2(2024-08-14 03:12:36)
Lots of important fixes and improvements:
- Added function New-MsiTransform to allow creation of transform files for MSI databases. Supporting functions: Set-MsiProperty, Invoke-ObjectMethod, Get-ObjectProperty.
- Added ability in Remove-MSIApplications to exclude software from being uninstalled by matching against specified property/value/match-type pairs
- Added function Get-PendingReboot to get pending reboot status for the local computer (thanks to user 'That-Annoying-Guy' for the original code)
- Added function Test-RegistryValue to check for the existence of a registry value, needed to support Get-PendingReboot function
- Added ability to install MSP files as part of a zero-config MSI install
- Added ability to Get-MsiTableProperty to apply a list of transform files to an MSI database after opening it. Also added ability to read properties from MSP files. Also added -GetSummaryInformation parameter to allow reading of Summary Information from a Windows Installer database file.
- Added support for retrieving $MyInvocationInfo when using alternative PowerShell hosts such as with Sapien PowerShell compiled EXEs
- Added following variables: $currentDateTime, $envLogicalDrives, $envUserCookies, $envUserDesktop, $envUserFavorites, $envUserInternetCache, $envUserInternetHistory, $envUserMyDocuments, $envUserSendTo, $envUserStartMenu, $envUserStartMenuPrograms, $envUserStartUp, $envSystem32Directory
- Added function New-ZipFile to allow creating zip archives, cleaned up the code for zipping the log folder from the Exit-Script function
- Fixed issue with Get-WindowTitle which caused the -PromptToSave functionality in Show-InstallationWelcome to fail on Win 7 PowerShell 2.0 machines
- Fixed issue with Show-WelcomePrompt which caused the -TopMost $false option to not work (also affected Show-InstallationWelcome)
- Fixed issue introduced in v3.6.3 where Norwegian language code in config XML was changed to NO. Code reverted back to NB as this is the proper code for the Bokmål written language supported by Windows.
- Fixed issue introduced in v3.6.4 by adding back a double quote to the .vbs file generated by Execute-ProcessAsUser (initial reported issue was caused by bad code in the example which has been fixed)
- Fixed issue in Refresh-Desktop which caused refreshing the global process environment block to fail
- Fixed issue in Test-MSUpdates where updates that had been uninstalled were detected as installed by the Office updates dectection method
- Fixed issue with detecting user's display UI on XP from registry key 'HKCU\Control Panel\International\Locale', and fixed type in one of the other registry paths checked
- Fixed issue in Set-ActiveSetup so that HKCU active setup registry keys are created when stubpath is executed for currently logged in user so that it does not execute a second time when user logs into account
- Fixed issue with New-Folder function displaying console output
- Fixed issue with Get-MsiTableProperty where reading the property table for a second MSI would throw an error unless -Force parameter specified
- Fixed issue with the zip compressed log files only being accessible to elevated users
- Fixed issue with Show-InstallationRestartPrompt where the PSADT restart prompt prevented a manual user initiated Windows Shutdown from being executed
- Fixed issue with Show-InstallationPrompt and Show-InstallationRestartPrompt where the dialog would be displayed in Silent Mode
- Fixed issue in Get-InstalledApplication where -ErrorAction could prematurely stop function if permissions issue while enumerating registry keys
- Fixed issue with Invoke-HKCURegistrySettingsForAllUsers where registry profiles would fail to unload
- Fixed issue where the final (asynchronous) balloon tip would not display
- Fixed issue with Zero-Config MSI installations not being able to handle MST files
- Fixed issue with Get-MsiTableProperty where handle to MSI database file was not released by powershell.exe after reading properties
- Fixed issue with Close-InstallationProgress where $global:ProgressRunspace was not closed
- Fixed issue where the toolkit would terminate in session zero due to absence of user domain variable
- Changed 5000 exit code for "InstallationDefer_ExitCode" in config XML to 60012 to be in line with newly defined exit code ranges for the toolkit
- Changed Deploy-Application.ps1 to allow exiting with custom exit code if failure to parse toolkit
- Changed registry manipulation functions to use -LiteralPath instead of -Path because * and ? are rare but valid characters for registry names
- Changed Show-InstallationWelcome and Show-WelcomePrompt to allow display of custom message from XML by using -CustomMessage parameter. Also added -ForceCountdown to allow us to have a countdown timer with the defer option on the welcome screen.
- Changed variable $envTemp to use recommended method of retrieving temp folder path
- Improved Exit-Script so that it is possible to manually exit the script with a 3010 or 1641 exit code and trigger an SCCM "Soft Reboot"
- Improved comments and documentation
1、 PSAppDeployToolkit_v3.6.5.zip 1.62MB