版本发布时间: 2024-07-31 21:36:56
chen08209/FlClash最新发布版本:v0.8.70(2024-12-09 00:51:26)
All changes from v0.8.49 to the latest commit:
Fix linux core build error. [chen08209]
Add proxy-only traffic statistics. [chen08209]
Update core
Optimize more details
Merge pull request #140 from txyyh/main. [chen08209]
添加自建 F-Droid 仓库相关 workflow
Rename readme fingerprint. [txyyh]
Rename workflow deploy repo name. [txyyh]
Add download guide to README. [txyyh]
Add push release files to fdroid-repo. [txyyh]
1、 FlClash-0.8.49-android-arm64-v8a.apk 36.84MB
2、 FlClash-0.8.49-android-armeabi-v7a.apk 36.56MB
3、 FlClash-0.8.49-android-x86_64.apk 38.09MB
4、 FlClash-0.8.49-linux-amd64.AppImage 35.91MB
5、 FlClash-0.8.49-linux-amd64.deb 28.41MB
6、 FlClash-0.8.49-linux-amd64.rpm 34.63MB
7、 FlClash-0.8.49-macos-amd64.dmg 45.36MB
8、 FlClash-0.8.49-macos-arm64.dmg 44.57MB
9、 FlClash-0.8.49-windows-amd64-setup.exe 24.89MB
10、 FlClash-0.8.49-windows-amd64.zip 38.35MB