


版本发布时间: 2024-07-22 13:36:45

lz4/lz4最新发布版本:v1.10.0(2024-07-22 13:36:45)

LZ4 v1.10.0 introduces major updates, integrating 600+ commits that significantly enhance its capabilities. This version brings multithreading support to the forefront, harnessing modern multi-core processors to accelerate both compression and decompression processing. It's a good upgrade for users looking to optimize performance in high-throughput environments.

Multithreading support

The most visible upgrade of this version is likely Multithreading support. While LZ4 has historically been recognized for its high-speed compression, the demand for even faster throughput has grown, particularly with the advent of nvme storage technologies that allow for multi-GB/s throughput.
Multithreading is particularly beneficial for High Compression modes, which now perform dramatically faster. The following benchmark table showcases the performance improvements:

source cpu os level v1.9.4 v1.10.0 Improvement
silesia.tar 7840HS Win11 12 13.4 sec 1.8 sec x7.4
silesia.tar M1 Pro macos 12 16.6 sec 2.55 sec x6.5
silesia.tar i7-9700k linux 12 16.2 sec 3.05 sec x5.4
enwik9 7840HS Win11 9 20.8 sec 2.6 sec x8.0
enwik9 M1 Pro macos 9 22.1 sec 2.95 sec x7.4
enwik9 i7-9700k linux 9 22.9 sec 4.05 sec x5.7

Multithreading is less critical for decompression, as modern nvme drives can still be saturated with a single decompression thread. Nonetheless, the new version enhances performance by overlapping I/O operations with decompression processes. Tested on a x64 linux platform, decompressing a 5 GB text file locally takes 5 seconds with v1.9.4; this is reduced to 3 seconds in v1.10.0, corresponding to > +60% performance improvement.

Official support for dictionary compression (and decompression)

Starting from v1.10.0, dictionary compression, previously tagged as "experimental", now receives full support. This upgrade assures stability and ongoing support for the feature, enabling developers to reliably use this functionality in their applications. The new symbols supported by liblz4 are :

New compression level 2

The new "Level 2" compression effectively fills the substantial gap between the standard "Fast Level 1" and the more intensive "High Compression Level 3." It provides a balanced option, optimizing performance and compression as evidenced in the benchmark results below (i7-9700k, linux):

file level 1 level 2 level 3
silesia.tar (speed) 685 MB/s 315 MB/s 110 MB/s
silesia.tar (ratio) x2.101 x2.378 x2.606

Level 2 is ideal for applications requiring better compression than lz4 level 1, without the speed trade-offs associated with HC level 3.


One-liner updates

Automated change log

New Contributors

Full Changelog:

edit : the lz4-1.10.0.tar.gz artifact was updated because the earlier version was embedding some macos specific stuff.

相关地址:原始地址 下载(tar) 下载(zip)

1、 lz4-1.10.0.tar.gz 378.04KB

2、 lz4-1.10.0.tar.gz.sha256 84B

3、 294.23KB

4、 459.68KB
