


版本发布时间: 2024-07-20 05:43:22

atopile/atopile最新发布版本:v0.2.64(2024-09-11 04:35:53)

Cumulative operators let you accumulate values on an attribute. For example, if you add a parameter current_budget to a Power interface, you can have all your devices -= their required current ranges from it, and the supply += current to it. Add an assertion current_budget >= 0mA and boom :exploding_head: you make sure you aren't overdrawing your supply

Link propagation means that when you connect those devices to the bus, all their attributes will be merged, and the currents will be counted up. It also means that devices can ensure the bus' voltage is within range of their requirements, or backpropagate their required voltage to CONFIGURE your PSU :gear:

The programmatic API means you can build a model in a Jupyter Notebook or Python script and query it however you like! This means you can extend atopile's built-in targets to write reports or perform tests however you like :chart_with_upwards_trend::snake:

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