


版本发布时间: 2024-07-11 22:52:05

taikoxyz/taiko-mono最新发布版本:guardian-prover-health-check-ui-v0.2.0(2024-07-29 10:24:42)

1.8.0 (2024-07-11)

This protocol release introduces optimizations without requiring proposers and provers to upgrade their software.

Notable Changes

  1. Bonds will now be kept in the TaikoL1 contract after return. Block proposers and provers can withdraw them using the new withdrawBond function. To reduce block proposing and proving cost, proposers and provers are encouraged to deposit enough TAIKO tokens as bonds using depositBond, but this is optional.

  2. The ring buffer size has been increased to accommodate data for up to 36,000 verified blocks. Custom contracts can utilize TaikoL1's new getVerifiedBlockProver function to retrieve the final prover of any of the last 36,000 verified blocks.

  3. A new CalldataTxList event will be emitted when calldata is utilized for DA. Taiko client will capture this event in the new future to extract the L2 transaction list data, preparing for an upcoming "ontake" fork in protocol 1.9.0.

  4. The Bridge contract has been improved so that all gas can be used when a message is retried.

For a comprehensive list of changes, refer to the detailed changelog below.


Bug Fixes



Code Refactoring

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