版本发布时间: 2024-07-04 10:18:14
jumpserver/lina最新发布版本:v3.10.14(2024-10-24 14:02:50)
版本变化 What’s Changed
- v4.0.0 @fit2bot (#4178)
- fixed: remove acl rules table item @fit2bot (#4177)
- fixed: Online synchronous import @fit2bot (#4176)
- perf: cloud privider @fit2bot (#4175)
- fixed: User group remove item. TAPD: 1043469 @fit2bot (#4174)
- fixed: cloud origin bug. TAPD: 1043263 @fit2bot (#4173)
- fixed: Fixed the issue that the button text would not refresh when the personal information page unbind authentication. TAPD: 1043567 @fit2bot (#4172)
- perf: sub form perfermence @fit2bot (#4171)
- fix: Resolve issue with update permissions preventing data import @fit2bot (#4170)
- style: output height @fit2bot (#4169)
- style: Tweak the width of the action button in English mode @fit2bot (#4167)
- fix: Adhoc chdir invalid @fit2bot (#4168)
- style: Fine-tune the search box style @fit2bot (#4166)
- fix: modify view_workbench deps @fit2bot (#4165)
- perf: community user profile index err @ibuler (#4157)
- perf: user detail permed assets @fit2bot (#4160)
- perf: select perform @fit2bot (#4163)
- fixed: Fixed export button not clicking。 TAPD:1043498 @fit2bot (#4164)
- perf: Applet rbac @fit2bot (#4161)
- perf: Translate @fit2bot (#4158)
- perf: community user profile index err @fit2bot (#4156)
- fixed: Fixed an issue with Select2 component and table in user list @fit2bot (#4155)
- perf: user detail tab user authorization rules @fit2bot (#4154)
- fix: no perms can view workbench @fit2bot (#4153)
- perf: User filter by attribute add tags @fit2bot (#4152)
- perf: Cloud account error handling @fit2bot (#4151)
- fix: su_method undefined @fit2bot (#4149)
- perf: User first login mfa control @fit2bot (#4148)
- perf: view caches bug @fit2bot (#4147)
- perf: Platform glolab org @fit2bot (#4146)
- fixed: Fixed an issue with duplicate requests @fit2bot (#4144)
- perf: version value @fit2bot (#4143)
- perf: Translate @fit2bot (#4142)
- perf: json many to many field, set timeout to submit @fit2bot (#4141)
- fixed: Fixed an issue where Tag Dialog could not be closed when jumping @fit2bot (#4140)
- perf: Translate @fit2bot (#4139)
- perf: account secret tool tip show delay @fit2bot (#4128)
- perf: lang change @fit2bot (#4137)
- perf: Account gather execution list add trigger @fit2bot (#4138)
- perf: change dumplidate title to -dumplicate @fit2bot (#4125)
- perf: Cloud account strategy translate @fit2bot (#4136)
- perf: file transfer @fit2bot (#4135)
- perf: lang setting from core @fit2bot (#4134)
- perf: Modify Label to Tags @fit2bot (#4133)
- fixed: The summary and parameter fields were removed @fit2bot (#4132)
- fixed: Fixed an issue where the right table would not refresh when a node in the asset tree was clicked @fit2bot (#4131)
- perf: Task log optimize @fit2bot (#4130)
- fixed: adhoc style change @fit2bot (#4129)
- perf: add account backup execution perm @fit2bot (#4127)
- perf: add change labeled resource perm @fit2bot (#4126)
- perf: add comment @fit2bot (#4124)
- fix: markdown not applying github styles @fit2bot (#4123)
- perf: use other algo replace crypto uuid @fit2bot (#4122)
- perf: change krry paging @fit2bot (#4113)
- fixed: route warning @fit2bot (#4118)
- perf: translate some word @fit2bot (#4121)
- fix: Asset authorization cannot be imported @fit2bot (#4120)
- fixed: tip message show @fit2bot (#4119)
- perf: Translate ticket action @fit2bot (#4117)
- fix: allow class attribute @fit2bot (#4116)
- fixed: Fixed the issue that some button clicks of cloud platform account could not be operated @fit2bot (#4115)
- perf: No filter content in template management search dropdown in task center @fit2bot (#4114)
- perf: Translate @fit2bot (#4112)
- fixed: Fixed the abnormal behavior of the export pop-up when exporting @fit2bot (#4111)
- perf: json many to many @fit2bot (#4110)
- fixed: Fixed an issue where clicking the user/group field in the authorization rule of the user detail page would jump to an error @fit2bot (#4109)
- fixed: Fixed an issue where the correct tab could not be located after creating the platform @fit2bot (#4108)
- fixed: Fixed an issue where MFA validation would open twice @fit2bot (#4107)
- perf: ztree auto height @fit2bot (#4106)
- fixed: Fixed an issue where the message subscription page would not be automatically checked @fit2bot (#4105)
- perf: Make LDAP sync import interval optional in settings form @fit2bot (#4104)
- perf: Translate @fit2bot (#4103)
- perf: favor & disfavor msg @fit2bot (#4102)
- fixed: Fixed an issue where tables could not be refreshed after creation @fit2bot (#4101)
- style: Fixed the bottom border of the operation column button in the table @fit2bot (#4100)
- fixed: Fixed an issue with MFA popover not closing @fit2bot (#4099)
- Merge v4 to dev @fit2bot (#4095)
- perf: Translate @fit2bot (#4098)
- fixed:Fixed an issue where resources were not displayed in cloud synchronization @fit2bot (#4097)
- fixed: Fixed the issue that the latest authorization rule could not be displayed when the asset authorization was clicked again after successfully creating the asset authorization @fit2bot (#4096)
- perf: Disable scheduled tasks for the community edition in account push @fit2bot (#4093)
- fixed: Fixed the empty error message when the role detail page was removed @fit2bot (#4094)
- fixed: Fixed asset authorization jump error @fit2bot (#4092)
- perf: Optimize SSH key form in personal information settings @fit2bot (#4091)
- perf: Translate @fit2bot (#4090)
- perf: 优化用户校验页面对密码进行加密传输 @gerry-fit (#4087)
- perf: Edit rbac perms @fit2bot (#4089)
- fix: The left asset tree refreshes every time a shortcut command is executed @fit2bot (#4088)
- fixed: Fixed an issue where the app card would not jump when clicked @fit2bot (#4085)
- perf: System setting perm @fit2bot (#4084)
- fixed: Fixed a blank page when users logged in for the first time @fit2bot (#4083)
- fixed: Fixed an issue where MFA forms could not be closed @fit2bot (#4081)
- style: table width @fit2bot (#4080)
- fixed: Fixed an issue where the delete prompt was incorrect when the user had only one organization role @fit2bot (#4079)
- fixed: Change the way the unprivileged account field is displayed in the table @fit2bot (#4078)
- fixed: Fixed an issue where clicking the Delete flag @fit2bot (#4077)
1、 lina-v4.0.0.tar.gz 16.44MB
2、 lina-v4.0.0.tar.gz.md5 33B