版本发布时间: 2024-07-02 05:09:26
smartcontractkit/chainlink最新发布版本:v2.15.0(2024-08-22 02:22:01)
Breaking Change
- Remove the
config option. Moving forward, onlygnosis
can be used.
- Added a mechanism to validate forwarders for OCR2 and fallback to EOA if necessary
- Added an auto-purge feature to the EVM TXM that identifies terminally stuck transactions either through a chain specific method or heurisitic then purges them to unblock the nonce. Included 4 new toml configs under Transactions.AutoPurge to configure this new feature: Enabled, Threshold, MinAttempts, and DetectionApiUrl.
- Add option to include GasPriceSubunits pipeline to include gasPriceSubunits in median ocr2 transmission (only to be used with Starknet chain for now)
- Added config option HeadTracker.FinalityTagBypass to force HeadTracker to track blocks up to FinalityDepth even if FinalityTagsEnabled = true. This option is a temporary measure to address high CPU usage on chains with extremely large actual finality depth (gap between the current head and the latest finalized block).
- Added config option HeadTracker.MaxAllowedFinalityDepth maximum gap between current head to the latest finalized block that HeadTracker considers healthy.
- Fixed CPU usage issues caused by inefficiencies in HeadTracker.
HeadTracker's support of finality tags caused a drastic increase in the number of tracked blocks on the Arbitrum chain (from 50 to 12,000), which has led to a 30% increase in CPU usage.
The fix improves the data structure for tracking blocks and makes lookup more efficient. BenchmarkHeadTracker_Backfill shows 40x time reduction.
- Fixed metric description on mercury_transmit_queue_load
DB Update
- Improve handling of postgres connection settings and driver versions