版本发布时间: 2024-06-30 22:48:41
odigos-io/odigos最新发布版本:v1.0.83(2024-07-21 15:08:07)
- a74f571 Add PriorityClass to Odiglet and DataCollection (#1299)
- 919bb6a Added an option to do odigos version --cli/--cluster to print only th… (#1298)
- fc7b62e Build odigos sampling processor (#1300)
- d57d462 Improve memory consumption of autoscaler and instrumentor (#1308)
- d56fb8a Properly handle the closure of the watch channel to avoid infinite loop (#1310)
- 8869991 Reduce k8s cache memory usage (#1307)
- f5f6663 [TASK-889] fix: duplicated app selected bug (#1303)
- 252f79b [TASK-960] chore: refreshing context (#1302)
- 64d5973 chore(deps): bump github.com/spf13/cobra from 1.8.0 to 1.8.1 in /cli (#1271)
- 66f5b51 chore(deps): bump ko-build/setup-ko from 0.6 to 0.7 (#1290)
- 931dd66 fix: add source bug (#1309)
- 5a047ed inspect first process with detected language in container (#1294)
1、 checksums.txt 582B
2、 cli_1.0.72_darwin_amd64.tar.gz 23.96MB
3、 cli_1.0.72_darwin_arm64.tar.gz 22.72MB
4、 cli_1.0.72_linux_amd64.tar.gz 23.82MB
5、 cli_1.0.72_linux_arm64.tar.gz 22.16MB
6、 cli_1.0.72_windows_amd64.tar.gz 24.23MB
7、 cli_1.0.72_windows_arm64.tar.gz 22.31MB