版本发布时间: 2024-06-28 10:03:14
go-echarts/go-echarts最新发布版本:v2.4.2(2024-09-12 21:04:58)
What's Changed
- Add support for user-defined tools by @mitar in https://github.com/go-echarts/go-echarts/pull/327
- update: replace all the bool to *bool. by @Koooooo-7 in https://github.com/go-echarts/go-echarts/pull/328
- refactor: opt restructure by @Koooooo-7 in https://github.com/go-echarts/go-echarts/pull/329
- refactor: opt setOptions. by @Koooooo-7 in https://github.com/go-echarts/go-echarts/pull/330
- refactor: opt folders. by @Koooooo-7 in https://github.com/go-echarts/go-echarts/pull/331
- refactor: 3d opts by @Koooooo-7 in https://github.com/go-echarts/go-echarts/pull/332
- chore: polish by @Koooooo-7 in https://github.com/go-echarts/go-echarts/pull/333
- chore: polish by @Koooooo-7 in https://github.com/go-echarts/go-echarts/pull/336
- feat: event support by @Koooooo-7 in https://github.com/go-echarts/go-echarts/pull/338
- Support svg renderer by @mitar in https://github.com/go-echarts/go-echarts/pull/334
- fix: fix render and polish by @Koooooo-7 in https://github.com/go-echarts/go-echarts/pull/339
- update: new Ecosystem topic on templ support by @Koooooo-7 in https://github.com/go-echarts/go-echarts/pull/340
- update: item style opt by @Koooooo-7 in https://github.com/go-echarts/go-echarts/pull/341
- feat: expose echarts instance by @Koooooo-7 in https://github.com/go-echarts/go-echarts/pull/342
- update: action filter tpl function by @Koooooo-7 in https://github.com/go-echarts/go-echarts/pull/343
- update: title border opts by @Koooooo-7 in https://github.com/go-echarts/go-echarts/pull/344
- update: text_style font opt by @Koooooo-7 in https://github.com/go-echarts/go-echarts/pull/345
- update: new legend opts by @Koooooo-7 in https://github.com/go-echarts/go-echarts/pull/346
- update: format by @Koooooo-7 in https://github.com/go-echarts/go-echarts/pull/347
- action: format by @Koooooo-7 in https://github.com/go-echarts/go-echarts/pull/348
- update: separate render by @Koooooo-7 in https://github.com/go-echarts/go-echarts/pull/349
- update: allow clean assets by @Koooooo-7 in https://github.com/go-echarts/go-echarts/pull/350
- doc: init by @Koooooo-7 in https://github.com/go-echarts/go-echarts/pull/351
- update: opts for grid sync by @Koooooo-7 in https://github.com/go-echarts/go-echarts/pull/353
- fix: expose SymbolKeepAspect from series by @Koooooo-7 in https://github.com/go-echarts/go-echarts/pull/354
- onClick is types.FuncStr by @mitar in https://github.com/go-echarts/go-echarts/pull/352
- update: x_axis opt by @Koooooo-7 in https://github.com/go-echarts/go-echarts/pull/358
- update: expose series by @Koooooo-7 in https://github.com/go-echarts/go-echarts/pull/359
- fix: page config mess up with chart by @Koooooo-7 in https://github.com/go-echarts/go-echarts/pull/357
- update: expose content by @Koooooo-7 in https://github.com/go-echarts/go-echarts/pull/360
- update: opts polar radius_axis by @Koooooo-7 in https://github.com/go-echarts/go-echarts/pull/363
- update: integration ci. by @Koooooo-7 in https://github.com/go-echarts/go-echarts/pull/364
- add: series opt large by @Koooooo-7 in https://github.com/go-echarts/go-echarts/pull/366
- update: series opts rich by @Koooooo-7 in https://github.com/go-echarts/go-echarts/pull/367
- action: integration ref by @Koooooo-7 in https://github.com/go-echarts/go-echarts/pull/368
- chore(deps): bump actions/dependency-review-action from 2 to 4 by @dependabot in https://github.com/go-echarts/go-echarts/pull/369
- docs: map pie kline scatter examples by @Koooooo-7 in https://github.com/go-echarts/go-echarts/pull/370
- docs: radar boxplot heatmap graph examples by @Koooooo-7 in https://github.com/go-echarts/go-echarts/pull/371
- docs: tree treemap parallel sankey sunburst examples by @Koooooo-7 in https://github.com/go-echarts/go-echarts/pull/372
- docs: funnel gauge themeriver examples by @Koooooo-7 in https://github.com/go-echarts/go-echarts/pull/373
- docs: bar3d scatter3d surface3d line3d examples by @Koooooo-7 in https://github.com/go-echarts/go-echarts/pull/374
- docs: 3rd charts liquid wordcloud examples by @Koooooo-7 in https://github.com/go-echarts/go-echarts/pull/375
- chore: restruct animation opts by @Koooooo-7 in https://github.com/go-echarts/go-echarts/pull/376
- update: barWidth series by @Koooooo-7 in https://github.com/go-echarts/go-echarts/pull/378
- fix: RoseType type inconsistent by @Koooooo-7 in https://github.com/go-echarts/go-echarts/pull/377
- update: series line refactor by @Koooooo-7 in https://github.com/go-echarts/go-echarts/pull/379
- update: series bar refactor by @Koooooo-7 in https://github.com/go-echarts/go-echarts/pull/380
- update: series pie refactor by @Koooooo-7 in https://github.com/go-echarts/go-echarts/pull/381
- docs: global options by @Koooooo-7 in https://github.com/go-echarts/go-echarts/pull/383
- update: series scatter refactor by @Koooooo-7 in https://github.com/go-echarts/go-echarts/pull/384
- Add test by @mo1ein in https://github.com/go-echarts/go-echarts/pull/244
- update: label opt detail by @Koooooo-7 in https://github.com/go-echarts/go-echarts/pull/385
- docs: polish action section by @Koooooo-7 in https://github.com/go-echarts/go-echarts/pull/386
- remove: remove limited action. by @Koooooo-7 in https://github.com/go-echarts/go-echarts/pull/387
- chore: sync CN EN readme by @Koooooo-7 in https://github.com/go-echarts/go-echarts/pull/388
- docs: how to define chart in go-echarts by @Koooooo-7 in https://github.com/go-echarts/go-echarts/pull/389
- docs: overlap details by @Koooooo-7 in https://github.com/go-echarts/go-echarts/pull/390
- fix: wrong type in FontSize by @Koooooo-7 in https://github.com/go-echarts/go-echarts/pull/391
- fix: treemap align to other data types by @Koooooo-7 in https://github.com/go-echarts/go-echarts/pull/392
- add: effect scatter series by @Koooooo-7 in https://github.com/go-echarts/go-echarts/pull/393
- add: radar series by @Koooooo-7 in https://github.com/go-echarts/go-echarts/pull/394
- docs: ecosystem section by @Koooooo-7 in https://github.com/go-echarts/go-echarts/pull/395
- chore(docs): refine index.html by @Koooooo-7 in https://github.com/go-echarts/go-echarts/pull/396
- chore(tpl): add docs in type of change by @Koooooo-7 in https://github.com/go-echarts/go-echarts/pull/397
- chore: set text-decoration none by @Koooooo-7 in https://github.com/go-echarts/go-echarts/pull/398
- update: remove unused bool default val by @Koooooo-7 in https://github.com/go-echarts/go-echarts/pull/400
- feat(gauge): add options 'progress', 'axistick' and 'detail' by @simachri in https://github.com/go-echarts/go-echarts/pull/399
- chore: format comments by @Koooooo-7 in https://github.com/go-echarts/go-echarts/pull/401
- docs: update options detail by @Koooooo-7 in https://github.com/go-echarts/go-echarts/pull/404
- docs: head meta by @Koooooo-7 in https://github.com/go-echarts/go-echarts/pull/407
- update(opt): add min/maxInterval opt by @Koooooo-7 in https://github.com/go-echarts/go-echarts/pull/412
- chore(deps): bump actions/configure-pages from 4 to 5 by @dependabot in https://github.com/go-echarts/go-echarts/pull/409
- update(readme): gonb integration by @Koooooo-7 in https://github.com/go-echarts/go-echarts/pull/416
- docs: fix event-and-action by @nkmr-jp in https://github.com/go-echarts/go-echarts/pull/420
- fix: fix polar config setup by @Koooooo-7 in https://github.com/go-echarts/go-echarts/pull/421
- update: add series options Min Max. by @Koooooo-7 in https://github.com/go-echarts/go-echarts/pull/422
- update(docs): ecosystem contributions refinement by @Koooooo-7 in https://github.com/go-echarts/go-echarts/pull/424
- docs: series options details and usage by @Koooooo-7 in https://github.com/go-echarts/go-echarts/pull/423
- feat(render): support render snippets of chart by @Koooooo-7 in https://github.com/go-echarts/go-echarts/pull/428
- docs: add render interface details by @Koooooo-7 in https://github.com/go-echarts/go-echarts/pull/430
- docs: add example in coverpage by @Koooooo-7 in https://github.com/go-echarts/go-echarts/pull/440
- chore: note the SetSeriesOptions usage by @Koooooo-7 in https://github.com/go-echarts/go-echarts/pull/441
- update(legend): itemStyle for legend by @Koooooo-7 in https://github.com/go-echarts/go-echarts/pull/444
- update(markArea): add new MarkAreaData to suit data struct by @Koooooo-7 in https://github.com/go-echarts/go-echarts/pull/445
- docs: add title option config by @Koooooo-7 in https://github.com/go-echarts/go-echarts/pull/448
- docs(option): add grid legend option config by @Koooooo-7 in https://github.com/go-echarts/go-echarts/pull/449
- docs(option): add x y axis option config by @Koooooo-7 in https://github.com/go-echarts/go-echarts/pull/450
- update(markline): add new options for mark line by @Koooooo-7 in https://github.com/go-echarts/go-echarts/pull/451
- update: add animation opt helper for series by @Koooooo-7 in https://github.com/go-echarts/go-echarts/pull/455
New Contributors
- @mo1ein made their first contribution in https://github.com/go-echarts/go-echarts/pull/244
- @simachri made their first contribution in https://github.com/go-echarts/go-echarts/pull/399
- @nkmr-jp made their first contribution in https://github.com/go-echarts/go-echarts/pull/420
Full Changelog: https://github.com/go-echarts/go-echarts/compare/v2.3.3...v2.4.0