


版本发布时间: 2024-06-28 03:06:49

mongodb/node-mongodb-native最新发布版本:v6.9.0(2024-09-13 01:12:41)

6.8.0 (2024-06-27)

The MongoDB Node.js team is pleased to announce version 6.8.0 of the mongodb package!

Release Notes

Add ReadConcernMajorityNotAvailableYet to retryable errors

ReadConcernMajorityNotAvailableYet (error code 134) is now a retryable read error.

ClientEncryption.createDataKey() and other helpers now support named KMS providers

KMS providers can now be associated with a name and multiple keys can be provided per-KMS provider. The following example configures a ClientEncryption object with multiple AWS keys:

const clientEncryption = new ClientEncryption(keyVaultClient, {
  'aws:key1': {
    accessKeyId: ...,
    secretAccessKey: ...
  'aws:key2': {
    accessKeyId: ...,
    secretAccessKey: ...
clientEncryption.createDataKey('aws:key-1', { ... });

Named KMS providers are supported for azure, AWS, KMIP, local and gcp KMS providers. Named KMS providers cannot be used if the application is using the automatic KMS provider refresh capability.

This feature requires mongodb-client-encryption>=6.0.1.

KMIP data keys now support a delegated option

When creating a KMIP data key, delegated can now be specified. If true, the KMIP provider will perform encryption / decryption of the data key locally, ensuring that the encryption key never leaves the KMIP server.

clientEncryption.createDataKey('kmip', { masterKey: { delegated: true } } );

This feature requires mongodb-client-encryption>=6.0.1.

Cursor responses are now parsed lazily 🦥

MongoDB cursors (find, aggregate, etc.) operate on batches of documents equal to batchSize. Each time the driver runs out of documents for the current batch it gets more (getMore) and returns each document one at a time through APIs like or for await (const doc of cursor).

Prior to this change, the Node.js driver was designed in such a way that the entire BSON response was decoded after it was received. Parsing BSON, just like parsing JSON, is a synchronous blocking operation. This means that throughout a cursor's lifetime invocations of .next() that need to fetch a new batch hold up on parsing batchSize (default 1000) documents before returning to the user.

In an effort to provide more responsiveness, the driver now decodes BSON "on demand". By operating on the layers of data returned by the server, the driver now receives a batch, and only obtains metadata like size, and if there are more documents to iterate after this batch. After that, each document is parsed out of the BSON as the cursor is iterated.

A perfect example of where this comes in handy is our beloved mongosh! 💚

test> db.test.find()
	{ _id: ObjectId('665f7fc5c9d5d52227434c65'), ... },
Type "it" for more

That Type "it" for more message would now print after parsing only the documents displayed rather than after the entire batch is parsed.

Add Signature to Github Releases

The Github release for the mongodb package now contains a detached signature file for the NPM package (named mongodb-X.Y.Z.tgz.sig), on every major and patch release to 6.x and 5.x. To verify the signature, follow the instructions in the 'Release Integrity' section of the file.

The LocalKMSProviderConfiguration's key property accepts Binary

A local KMS provider at runtime accepted a BSON Binary instance but the Typescript inaccurately only permitted Buffer and string.

Clarified cursor state properties

The cursor has a few properties that represent the current state from the perspective of the driver and server. This PR corrects an issue that never made it to a release but we would like to take the opportunity to re-highlight what each of these properties mean.


Bug Fixes


We invite you to try the mongodb library immediately, and report any issues to the NODE project.

相关地址:原始地址 下载(tar) 下载(zip)

1、 mongodb-6.8.0.tgz 647.15KB

2、 mongodb-6.8.0.tgz.sig 833B
