


版本发布时间: 2024-06-25 22:20:18

prisma/prisma最新发布版本:5.19.1(2024-09-02 22:57:37)

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Omit model fields globally

With Prisma ORM 5.16.0 we’re more than happy to announce that we’re expanding the omitApi Preview feature to also include the ability to omit fields globally.

When the Preview feature is enabled, you’re able to define fields to omit when instantiating Prisma Client.

const prisma = new PrismaClient({
  omit: {
    user: {
      // make sure that password is never queried.
      password: true,

You’re also able to omit fields from multiple models and multiple fields from the same model

const prisma = new PrismaClient({
  omit: {
    user: { 
      // make sure that password and internalId are never queried.
      password: true,
      internalId: true,
    post: {
      secretkey: true,

With both local and global omit, you now have the flexibility to completely remove sensitive fields while also tailoring individual queries. If you need the ability to generally omit a field except in a specific query, you can also overwrite a global omit locally

const prisma = new PrismaClient({
  omit: {
    user: { 
      // password is omitted globally.
      password: true,

const userWithPassword = await prisma.user.findUnique({
  omit: { password: false }, // omit now false, so password is returned
  where: { id: 1 },

Changes to prismaSchemaFolder

In 5.15.0 we released the prismaSchemaFolder Preview feature, allowing you to create multiple Prisma Schema files in a prisma/schema directory. We’ve gotten a lot of great feedback and are really excited with how the community has been using the feature.

To continue improving our multi-file schema support, we have a few breaking changes to the prismaSchemaFolder feature:

Changes to fullTextSearch

In order to improve our full-text search implementation we have made a breaking change to the fullTextSearch Preview feature.

Previously, when the feature was enabled we updated the <Model>OrderByWithRelationInput TypeScript type with the <Model>OrderByWithRelationAndSearchRelevanceInput type. However, we have noted that there are no cases where relational ordering is needed but search relevance is not. Thus, we have decided to remove the <Model>OrderByWithRelationAndSearchRelevanceInput naming and only use the <Model>OrderByWithRelationInput naming.

Fixes and improvements


Language tools (e.g. VS Code)

Prisma Engines


Huge thanks to @key-moon, @pranayat, @yubrot, @skyzh, @brian-dlee, @mydea, @nickcarnival, @eruditmorina, @nzakas, @gutyerrez, @avallete, @ceddy4395, @Kayoshi-dev, @yehonatanz for helping!

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