


版本发布时间: 2024-06-25 20:10:41

Artificial-Pancreas/iAPS最新发布版本:v5.6.0(2024-11-22 22:46:33)

New Features

  1. The last missing piece in the new carbs + bolus flow (first introduced in version 3): Complete the carbs -> bolus flow before enacting any eventual auto bolus (SMB) or any auto temp basal. For safety reasons the insulin suspending is always allowed, when needed. Complete the carbs -> bolus flow before enacting any eventual auto bo… @Jon-b-m and Allow bolus when long time since last loop @Jon-b-m

  2. Add link to sharing to bring directly to personal statistics page: Add link to sharing to bring directly to personal statistics page ( @scrappy, by @scrappy.

  3. Display insulin analysis in IOB View.

  4. Use the autosens.min/max limits to limit any eventual dynamic basal adjustments.

  5. Use a time adjusted insulin average for dynamic ISF to avoid any eventual skewness. Example: if current time is 15:15, your average insulin past 24h (used in dynamic ISF and displayed in IOB View) is the average of: [today 15:15, yesterday 15:15, day before yesterday 15:15, ... ] Insulin and TDD details. ( @Jon-b-m

Resolved issues

  1. Confirm pod DeliveryStatus to prevent 0x31 fault. confirm pod DeliveryStatus to prevent 0x31 fault ( @marionbarker, by @marionbarker.

  2. Missing localizations Missing localizable strings. @Jon-b-m

  3. Sharing and Version checks. Don't require a NS URL for the version check @Jon-b-m and Use NS URL for NS uploads @Jon-b-m

Other Overdue update to the iPhone identifier list ( @scrappy, by @scrappy

Translations Crowdin Updates. Thank you translators: Aleksandr Van-Zaam @vanzaam, @nicolevanelstvandenhoek, @Mirko-tri , Alessandro Fogliani, Hung Nguyen Phuteleco, Mykola Yroslavadudko, David de Tommas, Diabetlum and NazeehSheikh.

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