


版本发布时间: 2024-06-21 18:02:49

argilla-io/argilla最新发布版本:v2.1.0(2024-09-05 23:11:08)

🔆 Release highlights

One Dataset to rule them all

The main difference between Argilla 1.x and Argilla 2.x is that we've converted the previous dataset types tailored for specific NLP tasks into a single highly-configurable Dataset class.

With the new Dataset you can combine multiple fields and question types, so you can adapt the UI for your specific project. This offers you more flexibility, while making Argilla easier to learn and maintain.

[!IMPORTANT] If you want to continue using legacy datasets in Argilla 2.x, you will need to convert them into v2 Dataset's as explained in this migration guide. This includes: DatasetForTextClassificationDatasetForTokenClassification, and DatasetForText2Text.

FeedbackDataset's do not need to be converted as they are already compatible with the Argilla v2 format.


We've redesigned our SDK with the idea to adapt it to the new single Dataset class and, most importantly, improve the user and developer experience.

The main goal of the new design is to make the SDK easier to use and learn, making the process to configure your dataset and get it up and running much simpler and faster.

To learn more about this new SDK, you can check:

New UI layout

We have also revamped our UI for Argilla 2.0:

New documentation

This new version of Argilla comes hand-in-hand with a revamped documentation:

We have applied the Diátaxis framework and UX principles with the hope to make this version cleaner and the information easier to find. Let us know what you think!

Share your thoughts with us!

[!NOTE] This is a release candidate ahead of the official Argilla 2.0 release. Try it out and let us know what you think. Find us in Discord or open a Github issue here.

What's Changed

Full Changelog:

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