


版本发布时间: 2024-06-08 02:42:40

Azure/azure-sdk-for-net最新发布版本:Azure.ResourceManager.Storage_1.3.0(2024-06-28 18:04:51)

2.0.0-beta.1 (2024-06-07)

Please note: This update brings a major set of changes to the Azure.AI.OpenAI library.

With the release of the official OpenAI .NET client library, the Azure.AI.OpenAI library has migrated to become a companion to OpenAI's package that offers Azure client configuration and strongly-typed extension support for Azure-specific request and response models.

We'd love your feedback: our goal is to move the new OpenAI .NET library and its refreshed Azure.AI.OpenAI companion into a General Availability status as quickly as we can; we've heard loud and clear that the perpetual preview/prerelease status is an adoption blocker. To reach that goal, your feedback -- either on the issues here, in azure-sdk-for-net, or the issues on the new openai-dotnet OpenAI repository -- will be invaluable.

Features Added

OpenAI parity: built on the OpenAI .NET library, full parity support is available for the breadth of common features, including:

Azure OpenAI: updated to the latest 2024-05-01-preview service API, new features include:

Breaking Changes

Given the nature of this update, breaking changes are extensive. Please see the README and the OpenAI library README for usage details. OpenAI's library carries forward many of the same design concepts as the Azure.AI.OpenAI library used as a standalone library, but considerable improvements have been made to the surface that will require significant code adjustments.

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