版本发布时间: 2024-06-04 20:14:52
stream-rec/stream-rec最新发布版本:v0.7.2-fix1(2024-10-19 20:17:53)
What's Changed
增加: FFMPEG 无损分段 -f segment
增加: FFMPEG 下载错误时退出(实验性)
增加: 平台轮询检查间隔参数 (实验性)
增加: 虎牙平台强制原画(实验性)
增加: 虎牙平台使用移动API获取直播间信息 (提取更快)
增加: Twitch平台跳过广告(实验性)
增加: 代理设置(HTTP_PROXY环境变量,不支持SOCKS代理)
优化: 弹幕将一次性写入20条,减少IO写入次数
优化: 使用Jetpack Room 替换原有SQLDelight
修复: 虎牙直播禁止HDR画质选项(不支持)
修复: 斗鱼直播间画质选择
修复: Twitch 直播间Auth Token未设置的问题
修复: 第一次分段后,有概率无法继续下载弹幕的问题
调整: 禁用主播录制后将执行回调
调整: LOG_FILE 不再默认写入DEBUG信息
- Feat: add an option to use FFMPEG lossless segmentation (-f segment)
- Feat: add an option to exit FFMPEG when muxing failed (experimental)
- Feat: add platform's fetch interval parameter (experimental)
- Feat(huya): add an option to use mobile API as its faster
- Feat(huya): add an option to force original quality rather than compressed one
- Feat(twitch): add an option to use streamlink's --twitch-skip-ads flag (experimental)
- Feat: add proxy settings (HTTP_PROXY environment variable, SOCKS proxy not supported)
- Optimize: Danmu will write 20 at a time to reduce IO write times
- Optimize: Replace SQLDelight with Jetpack Room
- Fix: skip Huya HDR quality streams as unsupported
- Fix: Douyu quality selection
- Fix: Twitch Auth Token not set
- Fix: After the first segmentation, there is a probability that the Danmu cannot continue to be downloaded
- Adjust: after disabling streamer recording, post callbacks will be executed
- Adjust: debug information is not longer written to log file