


版本发布时间: 2024-05-27 21:48:00

ocornut/imgui最新发布版本:v1.90.8(2024-06-06 23:55:31)

1.90.7: Shortcuts, input routing, OSX mods & ctrl+left click.

Reading the changelog is a good way to keep up to date with the things Dear ImGui has to offer, and maybe will give you ideas of some features that you've been ignoring until now!

📣 Click version number above to display full release note contents, otherwise it is clipped by GitHub!

Links: Homepage - Release notes - FAQ - Issues, Q&A Also see our Wiki with sections such as Getting Started, Useful Extensions Gallery, Software using Dear ImGui, Bindings & Backends and more! 👌

Consider reading the foreword for v1.90.5. If you contacted me in March consider following up :)

Dear ImGui is funded by your contributions and needs them to sustain and grow. We can invoice and accommodate to many situations. If your company uses Dear ImGui, please reach out. See Funding & Sponsors page. Did you know? If you need an excuse to pay, you may buy licenses for Test Engine and that will contribute to fund Dear ImGui.

In the last years, Dear ImGui has been financially supported by: Aras Pranckevičius / Arkane Lyon / Asobo Studio / Avalanche Studios Group / BeamNG / Blizzard / Esoterica Engine / G3Dvu / Lucid Games / Noel Berry / Mobigame / Planestate Software / Pocketwatch Games / Remedy Entertainment / Supercell / Terrible Toybox / Tuxedo Labs / Wonderland Engine and many individual contributors. Thank you for allowing Dear ImGui to stay on its path.

Special thanks to @cfillion, @GamingMinds-DanielC, @PathogenDavid & more for for their help with patches and answers!


Breaking Changes:

Extra Breaking changes IF AND ONLY IF you were using imgui_internal.h versions of Shortcut() or owner-aware versions of IsKeyPressed(), IsKeyChordPressed(), IsMouseClicked() prior to this version.

(Open for details)
  • Inputs (Internals): Renamed ImGuiKeyOwner_None to ImGuiKeyOwner_NoOwner, to make use more explicit and reduce confusion with the fact it is a non-zero value and cannot be a default.
  • Inputs (Internals): Renamed symbols global routes:
    • Renamed ImGuiInputFlags_RouteGlobalLow -> ImGuiInputFlags_RouteGlobal (this is the suggested global route)
    • Renamed ImGuiInputFlags_RouteGlobal -> ImGuiInputFlags_RouteGlobal | ImGuiInputFlags_RouteOverFocused
    • Renamed ImGuiInputFlags_RouteGlobalHigh -> ImGuiInputFlags_RouteGlobal | ImGuiInputFlags_RouteOverFocused | ImGuiInputFlags_RouteOverActive
  • Inputs (Internals): Shortcut(), SetShortcutRouting()`: swapped last two parameters order in function signatures:
    • Before: Shortcut(ImGuiKeyChord key_chord, ImGuiID owner_id = 0, ImGuiInputFlags flags = 0);
    • After: Shortcut(ImGuiKeyChord key_chord, ImGuiInputFlags flags = 0, ImGuiID owner_id = 0);
  • Inputs (Internals): owner-aware versions of IsKeyPressed(), IsKeyChordPressed(), IsMouseClicked(): swapped last two parameters order in function signatures:
    • Before: IsKeyPressed(ImGuiKey key, ImGuiID owner_id, ImGuiInputFlags flags = 0);
    • After: IsKeyPressed(ImGuiKey key, ImGuiInputFlags flags, ImGuiID owner_id = 0);
    • Before: IsMouseClicked(ImGuiMouseButton button, ImGuiID owner_id, ImGuiInputFlags flags = 0);
    • After: IsMouseClicked(ImGuiMouseButton button, ImGuiInputFlags flags, ImGuiID owner_id = 0);
  • For several reasons those changes makes sense. They were all made before making some of those API public. Only past users of imgui_internal.h with the extra parameters will be affected. Added asserts for valid flags in various functions to detect some misuses, BUT NOT ALL.

Other Changes

Changes from 1.90.6 to 1.90.7 related to the Docking branch:

Changes from 1.90.6 to 1.90.7 related to the Range-Select branch: (aimed to merge in 1.91)



@delhoume: _"Here is my first application using ImGui, still learning a lot. [...] It is a simple but efficient TIFF image viewer specially designed to allow instant display of massive images. [...] SCR-20240508-xb2

@slerpxcq: "A WIP character animation editor" WeChat Screenshot_20240513210736

@learn-more: "UI for my custom 6502 emulator." The machine being simulated here is the 6502 computer from Ben Eater ( / The software currently running in the emulator is MSBASIC ported for Ben Eater's machine: image

Also see previous releases details. Note that GitHub are now clamping release notes sometimes really badly, click on a header/title to read full notes.

Dear ImGui is funded by your contributions and needs them to sustain and grow. We can invoice and accommodate to many situations. If your company uses Dear ImGui, please reach out (omar AT dearimgui DOT com). See Funding/Sponsors page. Did you know? If you need an excuse to pay, you may buy licenses for Test Engine and that will contribute to fund Dear ImGui.

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