


版本发布时间: 2024-05-18 09:51:52

slawlor/ractor最新发布版本:v0.10.0(2024-05-18 09:51:52)

Ractor Version 0.10.0 is now released!

This is a significant API break with a few points in ractor.

Code cleanup

First is the resolution of #164 which required renaming a few enumeration variants in (SpawnErr, ActorErr, and SupervisionEvent). These are to better match current functionality (instead of Panic variants they're now Failed variants) as actors can't only fail on panic (which was the original design).


Secondly is a major rewrite of Factorys to support trait-based insertion of routing and queuing logic. This

  1. minimizes dependence on non-used generics (i.e. requiring a priority implementation even though no priority used)
  2. Adds functionality (dynamic worker pool, dynamic queueing depth, more discard functionality for shedding newest or oldest jobs, factory lifecycle hooks, etc)
  3. Increases performance by minimizing clones for some types (since Box'd types aren't needed for Sync safe structures, so they've been moved to Arc.

See the full details and changes in #237


Full changelog:

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