


版本发布时间: 2024-05-12 17:49:47

EdgeTX/edgetx最新发布版本:nightly(2024-06-10 10:36:22)

With great thanks to everyone involved in testing, reporting and fixing bugs, we are pleased to offer EdgeTX "Centurion" v2.10.0. As with any firmware update, please ensure you backup your settings before updating, check your model and radio settings, and do appropriate bench tests before you head out to fly.

[!TIP] The Multi-Protocol Module (MPM) firmware has recently been split into up to four different firmware "types" - air, surface, LBT and FCC - as there isn't enough space for all protocols in the one firmware. So if you are missing protocols and have recently updated your MPM firmware, ensure you are running the correct type for your region and needs by downloading it again from and choosing the firmware type you need.

[!NOTE] If you are using 3rd party Lua scripts (e.g. Yappu, iNav), please ensure you are using the latest version of these also, as we have had some reports of older versions triggering the firmware to crash and go into Emergency Mode with some setups.

[!NOTE] Reminder: Upgrading from versions of EdgeTX earlier than v2.6 (or from OpenTX) is no longer possible via the radio firmware. You first need to update to EdgeTX 2.8 in order to migrate your radio and model settings, and then you can update to the current version. See the Installing and Updating EdgeTX manual page for more information.

Cloud Build

We would like to formally announce the existence of CloudBuild on EdgeTX Buddy, which some eagle eyed users have spotted and been using already. In addition to flashing the normal release builds (Cloud) or firmware you've built yourself or gotten from someone else (Local file), there is now also the "CloudBuild" option on Buddy. Via this tab, you can pick from an available firmware version, pick your radio type, and then choose from a limited (for now) range of build options. For colorlcd radios, this is primarily just the language for the radio firmware. For black and white radios, you have a few more choices, including the ability to remove heli and set the font type.

If you want a language build, or to customise the build options that are currently exposed, please give it a try, and let us know if you have any issues, and also help us find out what additional options people want access to. While some options have been limited to supported radio types, please note that it is still possible to pick some invalid options - such as a translation language that did not exist in older firmware versions, so please keep that in mind when making choices.

Highlights of this release include:

More information, which is broken down into by screen type (Color LCD and B&W), is available in the user manual here.

Full Changelog:

Known Limitations and Issues

UI/UX behavioral changes and/or new capabilities:

Supported radios

The full list of supported radios and their support status can be viewed here on the EdgeTX website.

Installation Guide

Flash firmware via Chrome based browser

Unofficial builds

Pre-built language firmwares are available here, but this will be the last version to offer them this way, due to the availability of CloudBuild on EdgeTX Buddy. You can still build your own firmware online following this guide, request a specific build at #4992 or ask on Discord for someone to build one for you.

New Contributors

相关地址:原始地址 下载(tar) 下载(zip)

1、 104.17MB

2、 73.63MB

3、 42.25MB

4、 40.42MB

5、 17.73MB
