


版本发布时间: 2024-05-11 14:55:40

Admiral-Billy/Pokerogue-App最新发布版本:v2.3.3(2024-05-20 12:08:20)

Hey there! This release is a small non-essential one with a minor bug fix and an enhanced utility. For the bug fix, did you know that Discord limits you to 128 characters for the state in rich presence? Now you do! As it so happens, a team of 6 pokemon with medium-long names goes over that limit and breaks the rich presence, so I fixed that by trimming the string down and then trimming it even more if it's still too long.

As for the feature enhancement, Ydarissep on the Discord created an awesome RogueDex, which is pretty much a PokeRogue specific PokeDex that has almost anything you'd care about it in. I replaced the existing PokeDex I was linking to with this one, so go show your thanks to him!

The Android version is the same as the previous few apks; I'll be turning my attention to it soon to fix some commonly reported issues (inability to export files, adding an online mode, fixing the standby mode, etc).

相关地址:原始地址 下载(tar) 下载(zip)

1、 100.8MB

2、 286.35MB

3、 106.23MB

4、 PokeRogue.apk 11.69MB
