


版本发布时间: 2024-05-13 05:28:11

glanceapp/glance最新发布版本:v0.6.2(2024-09-30 07:54:56)


Repository widget

For those who like keeping an eye on their open source projects:


- type: repository
  repository: glanceapp/glance
  pull-requests-limit: 3
  issues-limit: 3

Hiding the pull requests or issues is possible by setting their limit to -1.

Experimental dynamic columns style for the bookmarks, monitor and stocks widgets

The three widgets have so far been primarily built to fit inside a small column, leaving lots to be desired when placed inside of a full column. There is now an experimental dynamic-columns-experimental style for all 3, giving you more flexibility in how you build your pages:


Because this is experimental, the looks or behavior of this may change in the future depending on feedback.

- size: full
    - type: monitor
      style: dynamic-columns-experimental

    - type: stocks
      style: dynamic-columns-experimental

    - type: bookmarks
      style: dynamic-columns-experimental

(thanks for the idea @igeekbb & @allardhs)

RSS widget: horizontal-cards-2 style

For when the thumbnail is the main attraction:


You can adjust the height of the cards (for just this style) using the new card-height property:

- type: rss
  style: horizontal-cards-2
  card-height: 25 # in rems, where 1rem = 10px, so this would be 250px tall
  feeds: ...

A similar and newly added thumbnail-height can also be used to change the height of just the thumbnail for the horizontal-cards style.

Videos widget: grid-cards style


Mobile header

Phones have gotten fairly tall, so tall in fact that trying to reach a link at the top of the page can sometimes be a pain. The new show-mobile-header property, available for each page, can help push the content down and make it easier to get to:


- name: Homelab
  show-mobile-header: true
  columns: ...

Sorting options for Reddit and Hacker News

- type: reddit
  title: Cool projects from /r/selfhosted this month
  subreddit: selfhosted
  sort-by: top
  top-period: month
  search: flair:"Release"
  show-thumbnails: true

(results are not rigged, I swear)

Hacker news is a little more limited for now, allowing you to specify just sort-by with either top, new or best:

- type: hacker-news
  sort-by: new

(thanks for the suggestion @NoxesP & @knhash)

Symbol and chart links for stocks

You can now set a custom link for when you click on either the symbol or the chart of a stock:

- type: stocks
    - symbol: AAPL
      name: Apple

(thanks for the idea @0x3e4)

Specifying URLs for the Monitor widget from environment variables

- type: monitor
    - title: Jellyfin
      url: ${URL_TO_JELLYFIN}

(thanks for the idea @devsjc)


Sort order for Reddit and Hacker News

You've probably noticed that Glance doesn't return posts in the order you'd find them in either Reddit or Hacker news. This was undocumented bevahior which attempted to place posts with above average points and comments higher, since by default you only see up to 5 posts. This sorting behavior is no longer the default and you'll now see posts in the exact order they are found on each site.

If you liked the way posts were being ordered you can still use the same sorting algorithm via the new extra-sort-by property which is available for both the Reddit and Hacker News widgets:

extra-sort-by: engagement

Note that engagement is currently the only possible option and other sorting algorithms may get added in the future.

Images now fade in when they load

If you're a Firefox user you may have noticed the jarring way in which it loads images, where it sometimes places a white background behind the image as it gets loaded:

(connection speed throttled to exaggerate issue)

To make the experience a little more pleasant, images will now be hidden until they've loaded completely and then fade in:

相关地址:原始地址 下载(tar) 下载(zip)

1、 glance-linux-amd64.tar.gz 4.51MB

2、 glance-linux-arm64.tar.gz 4.17MB

3、 glance-linux-armv6.tar.gz 4.21MB

4、 glance-linux-armv7.tar.gz 4.21MB

5、 glance-openbsd-386.tar.gz 4.24MB

6、 glance-openbsd-amd64.tar.gz 4.51MB

7、 4.62MB

8、 4.22MB
