


版本发布时间: 2024-04-26 23:45:30

dream-num/univer最新发布版本:v0.1.12(2024-05-24 12:21:22)

🎊 Univer@v0.1.8

致 Univer 的开发者们:

五一劳动节即将来临,Univer 团队向您送上最诚挚的节日祝福。在这个特殊的日子里,让我们一起向所有不懈努力的劳动者们表达敬意和感激之情。

值此佳节,我们也很高兴地宣布 Univer 迎来了全新的 0.1.8 版本更新。这一版本带来了一系列激动人心的新功能和优化,旨在为您提供更加出色的使用体验。

作为您的工作伙伴,Univer 将一如既往地助力您的工作和生活,为您解决问题、提升效率。我们真诚地邀请您将 Univer 分享给更多的朋友和同事,让这个强大的工具造福更多人。


Dear developers,

As the International Workers' Day draws near, we, on behalf of the Univer team, would like to extend our sincerest holiday greetings to you. On this special day, let's express our respect and gratitude to all the hardworking laborers.

On this joyous occasion, we are also thrilled to announce the release of Univer 0.1.8. This new version brings a series of exciting features and optimizations designed to provide you with an even better user experience.

As your work companion, Univer will continue to empower your work and life, helping you solve problems and boost efficiency. We cordially invite you to share Univer with more friends and colleagues, so that this powerful tool can benefit more people.

Finally, we wish you a happy International Workers' Day, success in your work, joy in your life, and happiness for your family!

Univer Banner

🚧 Important Note

This project is still in heavy development, and major API changes are expected. Your feedback is crucial! Please submit issues and suggestions to help us shape the future of Univer.

🚀 Getting Started

If you're eager to explore Univer, check out our getting started documentation. Dive into the world of collaborative document, spreadsheet, and presentation editing powered by Univer!

🆕 What's new

In the v0.1.8 update, we have added Filtering feature to the Univer Sheets. This feature allows you to filter data in a range of cells based on specific criteria. You can apply filters to columns to display only the data that meets the criteria you specify.

📊 Filtering

To apply filters to a range of cells, follow these steps:

# Using npm
npm install @univerjs/sheets-filter @univerjs/sheets-filter-ui

# Using pnpm
pnpm add @univerjs/sheets-filter @univerjs/sheets-filter-ui
  1. Register the conditional formatting UI in your Univer app:
import '@univerjs/sheets-filter-ui/lib/index.css';

import { UniverSheetsFilterPlugin } from '@univerjs/sheets-filter';
import { UniverSheetsFilterUIPlugin } from '@univerjs/sheets-filter-ui';


📦 All-in-one UMD Bundle

Finally, we have added an all-in-one UMD bundle for Univer. This bundle includes all the necessary dependencies and plugins, allowing you to quickly get started with Univer in your web applications.

You can include the UMD bundle in your HTML file using the following script tag:

<script src=""></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">

If you are already using React, ReactDOM, and RxJS in your project, you can opt for the slim version of the UMD bundle, which excludes these dependencies.

+ <script src=""></script>
+ <script src=""></script>
+ <script src=""></script>

- <script src=""></script>
+ <script src=""></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">

💔 Breaking Changes

1. univer.createUniverSheet and univer.createUniverDoc have been replaced by univer.createUnit

- univer.createUniverSheet({});
+ univer.createUnit(UniverInstanceType.UNIVER_SHEET, {});

- univer.createUniverDoc({});
+ univer.createUnit(UniverInstanceType.UNIVER_DOC, {});

2. PluginType is removed. Please use UniverInstanceType instead.

export class YourPlugin extends Plugin {
- static override type = PluginType.DOC;
+ static override type = UniverInstanceType.UNIVER_DOC; 

🎢 Special Thanks

🥳 Exciting News About Univer Pro

We have decided to launch the community edition SDK of Univer Pro in the near future. The community edition will include npm packages for front-end code, Docker images for back-end code, and a free trial license for up to one month. This means that developers can use the community edition SDK of Univer Pro for integrated development in their own projects.

Stay tuned for more updates on Univer Pro!

📢 Join the Conversation

We welcome your input and insights as we embark on this exciting journey. Connect with us on:

📝 Changelog

Full changelog (2024-04-26)

Bug Fixes


Performance Improvements

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