


版本发布时间: 2024-04-30 20:30:54

paritytech/polkadot-sdk最新发布版本:polkadot-stable2407-2(2024-09-02 20:28:40)

This release contains the changes from polkadot-v1.10.0 to polkadot-v1.11.0.


Changelog for Node Dev

These changes are relevant to: Those who build around the client side code. Alternative client builders, SMOLDOT, those who consume RPCs. These are people who are oblivious to the runtime changes. They only care about the meta-protocol, not the protocol itself.

[#4059]: Remove redundent logging code

Simplified logging code, now does slightly less work while logging.

[#4027]: Add candidates_pending_availability Runtime API

This new API retrieves all CommittedCandidateReceipts of all candidates pending availability for a parachain at a given relay chain block number. It is required by collators that make use of elastic scaling capability in the context of PoV recovery and block import. The old API candidate_pending_availability is now deprectated and will be removed in the future.

[#3979]: Deprecate para_id() from CoreState in polkadot primitives

CoreState's para_id() function is getting deprecated in favour of direct usage of the ClaimQueue. This is the preferred approach because it provides a better view on what is scheduled on each core.

[#4169]: Stabilize transactionBroadcast RPC class to version 1

The transactionBroadcast RPC API is stabilized to version 1.

[#3953]: Adapt RemoteExternalities and its related types to be used with generic hash parameters

Modify RemoteExternalities, Mode, OnlineConfig andSnapshot to rely now on generic parameter, instead of BlockT. Adjust in consequence their implementation to be compatible with types Hash, or if possible any generic. Adapt Builder struct and implementation for these bounds.

[#4171]: Stabilize transactionWatch RPC class to version 1

The transactionWatch RPC API is stabilized to version 1.

[#3512]: [FRAME] Introduce Runtime Omni Bencher

Introduces a new freestanding binary; the frame-omni-bencher. This can be used as alternative to the node-integrated benchmark pallet command. It currently only supports pallet benchmarking.

The optional change to integrate this MR is in the node. The run function is now deprecated in favour or run_with_spec. This should be rather easy to integrate:

runner.sync_run(|config| cmd
-    .run::<HashingFor<Block>, ReclaimHostFunctions>(config)
+    .run_with_spec::<HashingFor<Block>, ReclaimHostFunctions>(Some(config.chain_spec))

Additionally, a new --runtime CLI arg was introduced to the benchmark pallet command. It allows to generate the genesis state directly by the runtime, instead of using a spec file.

[#4168]: Stabilize chianHead RPC class to version 1

The chainHead RPC API is stabilized to version 1.

[#2714]: GenesisConfig presets for runtime

The ChainSpecBuilder is extended with with_genesis_config_preset_name method which allows to build chain-spec using named preset provided by the runtime.

[#2944]: Integrate litep2p into Polkadot SDK

litep2p is a libp2p-compatible P2P networking library. It supports all of the features of rust-libp2p that are currently being utilized by Polkadot SDK and is a drop-in replacement for any node operator.

For node developers, introduction of litep2p implies specifying the networking backend that Polkadot SDK shall use for P2P networking. A new trait called NetworkBackend is introduced which is implemented by both the libp2p and litep2p backends and which is used to initialize any networking-related code.

[#3801]: Remove slot_duration from aura::collators::basic::Params

Removes the slot_duration parameter from the aura::collators::basic::Params. The slot_duration will now be fetched from the runtime using the Aura runtime api.

Changelog for Runtime Dev

These changes are relevant to: All of those who rely on the runtime. A parachain team that is using a pallet. A DApp that is using a pallet. These are people who care about the protocol (WASM, not the meta-protocol (client).)

[#3485]: Broker: sale price runtime api

Defines a runtime api for pallet-broker for getting the current price of a core in the ongoing sale.

[#3660]: Removed pallet::getter usage from Polkadot Runtime pallets

This PR removes all the pallet::getter usages from the Polkadot Runtime pallets, and updates dependant runtimes accordingly. The syntax StorageItem::<T, I>::get() should be used instead.

[#3889]: Allow privileged virtual bond into pallet Staking

Introduces a new low level API to allow privileged virtual bond into pallet Staking. This allows other pallets to stake funds into staking pallet while managing the fund lock and unlocking process themselves.

[#3708]: XCM builder pattern automatically converts instruction parameters.

Small quality of life improvement. Previously, an XCM could be built like this:

let xcm = Xcm::builder()
    .withdraw_asset((Parent, 100u128).into())
    .buy_execution((Parent, 1u128).into())
    .deposit_asset(All.into(), AccountId32 { id: [0u8; 32], network: None }.into())

Now, it can be built like this:

let xcm = Xcm::builder()
    .withdraw_asset((Parent, 100u128))
    .buy_execution((Parent, 1u128))
    .deposit_asset(All, [0u8; 32])

[#4037]: Remove xcm::v3 from assets-common nits

Remove xcm::v3 imports from assets-common to make it more generic and facilitate the transition to newer XCM versions. The implementations AssetIdForTrustBackedAssetsConvert, ForeignAssetsConvertedConcreteId, or TrustBackedAssetsAsLocation used hard-coded xcm::v3::Location, which has been changed to use xcm::latest::Location by default. Alternatively, the providing runtime can configure them according to its needs, such as with a lower XCM version.


- AssetIdForTrustBackedAssetsConvert<TrustBackedAssetsPalletLocationV3>,
+ AssetIdForTrustBackedAssetsConvert<TrustBackedAssetsPalletLocationV3, xcm::v3::Location>,

Another change is that the removed xcm_builder::V4V3LocationConverter can be replaced with WithLatestLocationConverter.

[#3659]: Unity Balance Conversion for Different IDs of Native Asset

Introduce types to define 1:1 balance conversion for different relative asset ids/locations of native asset for ConversionToAssetBalance trait bounds.

[#2119]: Add example pallet for Multi-Block-Migrations

[#2292]: Migrate Fee Payment from Currency to fungible traits

Deprecates the CurrencyAdapter and introduces FungibleAdapter Deprecates ToStakingPot and replaces usage with ResolveTo Updated DealWithFees, ToAuthor, AssetsToBlockAuthor to all use fungible traits Updated runtime XCM Weight Traders to use ResolveTo Updated runtime TransactionPayment pallets to use FungibleAdapter instead of CurrencyAdapter

Runtime Migration Guide:

[#3250]: Asset Conversion: Pool Account ID derivation with additional Pallet ID seed

Introduce PalletId as an additional seed parameter for pool's account id derivation. The PR also introduces the pallet_asset_conversion_ops pallet with a call to migrate a pool to the new account. Additionally fungibles::roles::ResetTeam and fungible::lifetime::Refund traits, to facilitate the migration functionality.

[#4229]: Fix Stuck Collator Funds

Fixes stuck collator funds by providing a migration that should have been in PR 1340.

[#4118]: pallet assets: minor improvement on errors returned for some calls

Some calls in pallet assets have better errors. No new error is introduced, only more sensible choice are made.

[#4006]: Deploy pallet-parameters to rococo and fix dynamic_params name expand

Fix the expanded names of dynamic_params to not remove suffix "s".

Also deploy the parameters pallet to the rococo-runtime.

[#4189]: polkadot_runtime_parachains::coretime: Expose MaxXcmTransactWeight

Expose MaxXcmTransactWeight via the Config trait. This exposes the possibility for runtime implementors to set the maximum weight required for the calls on the coretime chain. Basically it needs to be set to max_weight(set_leases, reserve, notify_core_count) where set_leases etc are the calls on the coretime chain. This ensures that these XCM transact calls send by the relay chain coretime pallet to the coretime chain can be dispatched.

[#4075]: Adds ability to trigger tasks via unsigned transactions

This PR updates the validate_unsigned hook for frame_system to allow valid tasks to be submitted as unsigned transactions. It also updates the task example to be able to submit such transactions via an off-chain worker.

Note that is_valid call on a task MUST be cheap with minimal to no storage reads. Else, it can make the blockchain vulnerable to DoS attacks.

Further, these tasks will be executed in a random order.

[#3789]: [pallet-contracts] Benchmarks improvements

Reuse wasmi module when validating the wasm code.

[#4156]: AllowHrmpNotificationsFromRelayChain barrier for HRMP notifications from the relaychain

A new barrier, AllowHrmpNotificationsFromRelayChain, has been added. This barrier can be utilized to ensure that HRMP notifications originate solely from the Relay Chain. If your runtime relies on these notifications, you can include it in the runtime's barrier type for xcm_executor::Config.

[#3934]: Update benchmarking macros

Current benchmarking macro return a closure with the captured benchmarked code. This could cause compilation issues when the benchmarked code has complex lifetime requirements. This PR updates the existing macro by injecting the recoding parameter and invoking the start / stop method around the benchmarked block instead of returning a closure

[#4151]: [pallet-broker] Use saturating math in input validation

Use saturating in the pallet-broker input validation of the drop_history extrinsic. This fixes a safeguard that only expired historic instantaneous pool records get dropped.

[#3997]: [pallet-broker] Fix claim revenue behaviour for zero timeslices

Add a check in the claim_revenue broker call to ensure that max_timeslices > 0 and errors if not. This mitigates an issue where an attacker could call claim_revenue for an existing region that is owed a revenue, with max_timeslices set to 0 for free indefinitely, which would represent an unbounded spam attack.

[#3251]: Asset Conversion: Pool Touch Call

Introduce touch call designed to address operational prerequisites before providing liquidity to a pool. This function ensures that essential requirements, such as the presence of the pool's accounts, are fulfilled. It is particularly beneficial in scenarios where a pool creator removes the pool's accounts without providing liquidity.

[#3875]: Fix Mermaid diagram rendering

Fixes the rendering of some Mermaid diagrams in the documentation.

[#3976]: Decrement total_deposit when clearing collection metadata

Decrements total_deposit by the appropriate amount when collection metadata is cleared.

[#2714]: GenesisConfig presets for runtime

The runtime now can provide a number of predefined presets of RuntimeGenesisConfig struct. This presets are intended to be used in different deployments, e.g.: local, staging, etc, and should be included into the corresponding chain-specs. Having GenesisConfig presets in runtime allows to fully decouple node from runtime types (the problem is described in #1984).

Summary of changes:

[#3721]: New call hrmp.establish_channel_with_system to allow parachains to establish a channel with a system parachain

This PR adds a new call hrmp.establish_channel_with_system that allows a parachain origin to open a bidirectional channel with a system parachain.

[#3915]: [pallet-contracts] Weights update

Update Host functions benchmarks, instead of benchmarking the whole call extrinsic, this PR solely benchmark the execution of the Host function. Previously, some benchmarks would overestimate the weight as both the parsing and execution of the contract were included in the benchmark.

[#3813]: Renames frame crate to polkadot-sdk-frame

This PR renames frame crate to polkadot-sdk-frame as frame is not available on Please note that this crate can only be imported as polkadot-sdk-frame or frame.

[#4208]: Fixed GrandpaConsensusLogReader::find_scheduled_change

This PR fixes the issue with authorities set change digest item search in the bridges code. The issue happens when there are multiple consensus digest items in the same header digest.

[#4060]: Fix nostd build of several crates

Fixes feature and dependency configuration of several crate. This should allow for better no-std build capabilities.

Changelog for Node Operator

These changes are relevant to: Those who don't write any code and only run code.

[#4070]: Avoid using para_backing_state if runtime doesn't support async backing

Fixes which prevents collators to upgrade to latest release (v1.10.0)

[#4072]: Amend chainspecs for people-westend and add IBP bootnodes

Fixes the people-westend chain spec.

[#4021]: Improve log output for block imports

Nodes now print the parent hash on import notification log messages. In addition, the emoji of the log message indicates whether the block was imported as best block or not. "🏆" is used for best blocks, "🆕" for other imported blocks.

[#4252]: Add logic to increase pvf worker based on chain

A new logic and cli parameters were added to allow increasing the number of pvf workers based on the chain-id.

[#3852]: (Breaking change)Enforce network key presence on authorities.

(Breaking change) For all authority nodes, the node binary now enforces the presence of a network key, instead of auto-generating when it is absent.

Before this change, all node binaries were auto-generating the node key when it was not present, that is dangerous because other nodes in the network expects a stable identity for authorities.

To prevent accidental generation of node key, we removed this behaviour and node binary will now throw an error if the network key is not present and operators will receive instructions to either persist their network key or explicitly generate a new one with the polkadot key generate-node-key.

To prevent this error on restart/upgrades node operators need to make sure their network key are always persisted, if nodes already correctly persist all directories in --base-path then no action is needed.

[#3983]: Detect closed notification substreams instead of evicting all peers

Replace eviction of all peers when syncing has completely stalled with a more granular detection of notification substreams closed by remote peers.

This change is expected to make the reported peer count lower, as before this change the number also included already closed substreams. Nevertheless, the currently reported number should be seen as the real number of working connections.

[#3630]: Use async backing enabled collator for all the parachains

Promotes all the parachains supported by polkadot-parachain, including all the systems parachains, to use the async backing enabled lookahead Aura collator instead of the generic one.

[#4015]: Improve beefy networking code by forwarding data more directly

Improve internal implementation of beefy to forward data directly to the networking layer instead of first storing them internally. So, the following error message should not appear again:

The number of unprocessed messages in channel `mpsc_beefy_gossip_validator` exceeded 100000.

[#4017]: Complete removal of TryRuntime subcommand

The deprecated try-runtime subcommand and try-runtime-cli crate has been completely removed. If you are not already, you should be using the standalone CLI at

[#2944]: Integrate litep2p into Polkadot SDK

litep2p is considered experimental and rust-libp2p will remain as the default networking backend for Polkadot SDK but litep2p can be selected with --network-backend litep2p.

Changelog for Runtime User

These changes are relevant to: Anyone using the runtime. This can be a token holder or a dev writing a front end for a chain.

[#3485]: Broker: sale price runtime api

Defines a runtime api for pallet-broker for getting the current price of a core in the ongoing sale.

[#3455]: Region reserve transfers fix

This PR introduces changes enabling the transfer of coretime regions via XCM. There are two primary issues that are resolved in this PR:

  1. The mint and burn functions were not implemented for coretime regions. These operations are essential for moving assets to and from the XCM holding register.
  2. The transfer of non-fungible assets through XCM was previously disallowed. This was due to incorrectly benchmarking non-fungible asset transfers via XCM, which led to assigning it a weight of Weight::Max, effectively preventing its execution.

[#3695]: pallet-xcm: add new extrinsic for asset transfers using explicit reserve

pallet-xcm has a new extrinsic transfer_assets_using_type_and_then for transferring assets from local chain to destination chain using an explicit XCM transfer types for transferring the assets and the fees:

E.g. For transferring a bridged Foreign Assets between local parachains, Asset Hub or the parachain that bridged the asset over must be used as the reserve location. Same when transferring bridged assets back across the bridge, the local bridging parachain must be used as the explicit reserve location.

The new method takes a custom_xcm_on_dest parameter allowing the caller to specify what should happen to the transferred assets once they reach the dest chain. The custom_xcm_on_dest parameter should contains the instructions to execute on dest as a final step. Usually as simple as: Xcm(vec![DepositAsset { assets: Wild(AllCounted(assets.len())), beneficiary }]), but could be something more exotic like sending the assets even further.

[#4118]: pallet assets: minor improvement on errors returned for some calls

Some calls in pallet assets have better errors. No new error is introduced, only more sensible choice are made.

[#4089]: pallet_broker: Support renewing leases expired in a previous period

Allow renewals of leases that ended before start_sales or in the first period after calling start_sales. This ensures that everyone has a smooth experience when migrating to coretime and the timing of start_sales isn't that important.

[#4199]: Remove XCM SafeCallFilter for chains using Weights::v3

SafeCallFilter was removed from Rococo and Westend relay and system chains as they all now use Weights::v3 which already accounts for call PoV size. This effectively removes artificial limitations on what users can XCM::Transact on these chains (blockspace limitations are still upheld).

[#3930]: test runtimes: allow local origins to execute arbitrary XCMs

Allow arbitrary XCM execution for local origins on all test chains.

[#4221]: pallet_broker::start_sales: Take extra_cores and not total cores

Change pallet_broker::start_sales to take extra_cores and not total cores. It will calculate the total number of cores to offer based on number of reservations plus number of leases plus extra_cores. Internally it will also notify the relay chain of the required number of cores.

Thus, starting the first sales with pallet-broker requires less brain power ;)

[#3959]: Allow StakingAdmin to manage nomination pool configurations

Adds a custom origin to Nomination pool configuration and allows StakingAdmin to be this origin in Westend. Other runtimes could also set this origin to be the same that manages staking-pallet configurations.

Rust compiler versions

This release was built and tested against the following versions of rustc. Other versions may work.


The information about the runtimes included in this release can be found below. The runtimes have been built using srtool v0.15.0 and rustc 1.77.0 (aedd173a2 2024-03-17).


🏋️ Runtime Size:          1.87 MB (1955833 bytes)
🔥 Core Version:          rococo-1011001 (parity-rococo-v2.0-0.tx25.au0)
🗜 Compressed:            Yes: 78.45%
🎁 Metadata version:      V14
🗳️ system.setCode hash:   0x09bfd205675273ce118e57f9e1c87a102033d6a1a6c4cfdc00fc1cb251bdaef3
🗳️ authorizeUpgrade hash: 0x88cc7d52d7bd02c56f7ced4cc19dd2c1c951e1f2415bb4bf5f27aa8351fe0152
🗳️ Blake2-256 hash:       0xb134d599ba1c6fd891a1e313cf52d9166688d8be6d67c4a4ba19dc02c881235d
📦 IPFS:                  Qmdm1XKdAQ8tKnuqpMqKifjbbFaspfFciHiAd4dgnWCdXS

Rococo Assethub

🏋️ Runtime Size:          1.29 MB (1356935 bytes)
🔥 Core Version:          statemine-1011001 (statemine-0.tx16.au1)
🗜 Compressed:            Yes: 79.98%
🎁 Metadata version:      V14
🗳️ system.setCode hash:   0xba6bd31bf2e68855c07a8de526999e360b7aba6bf97645977e538c2e5f990530
🗳️ authorizeUpgrade hash: 0x39c95aead836a8cca1e0cf7f75e807edbf5e7ef32294e99f83eb366656b62037
🗳️ Blake2-256 hash:       0xab998b4da9a194ce1ff742ab6df77767228b3c8fc3927d0b2cfba0220b5494e9
📦 IPFS:                  QmaT4ntrZEXx6ybUWAUEk5YVmY6wLo6J8RBTrph6YFUfv3

Rococo Bridgehub

🏋️ Runtime Size:          1.32 MB (1382956 bytes)
🔥 Core Version:          bridge-hub-rococo-1011002 (bridge-hub-rococo-0.tx5.au1)
🗜 Compressed:            Yes: 78.12%
🎁 Metadata version:      V14
🗳️ system.setCode hash:   0x80d0b5e26e966bb0cea31257e5683518385268795e568443284a8ca98688ac80
🗳️ authorizeUpgrade hash: 0x648510198e79939570a96974b75079acbbe5553e9462289e835844213f933fdc
🗳️ Blake2-256 hash:       0x6796ce5f7776cb01ff764ba8a6021e74c6ea3f421485f3b2f688a9cb6106f69f
📦 IPFS:                  QmP5RiwRVRpVgt1hXypW7EkKE7KmNVyD7apfYiLYcymYm9

Rococo Contracts

🏋️ Runtime Size:          1.25 MB (1313276 bytes)
🔥 Core Version:          contracts-rococo-1011001 (contracts-rococo-0.tx7.au1)
🗜 Compressed:            Yes: 79.56%
🎁 Metadata version:      V14
🗳️ system.setCode hash:   0xef3e154d065724e3552160d552709bbe4a9b98545331fab2ccac455e060c094c
🗳️ authorizeUpgrade hash: 0x6b198f3a7b871800442108cc4927a541e171120b546b640b55025e1b52127206
🗳️ Blake2-256 hash:       0xb002027a040dd23c2fcda5314b4a0b9e71d4c2bbe72c4c9a74a73ae7221e520d
📦 IPFS:                  Qmb3Re1e6KL6fXHzH39oyzsCQ79LWotVfifAqEwyTj5TsN

Rococo Coretime

🏋️ Runtime Size:          963.73 kB (986857 bytes)
🔥 Core Version:          coretime-rococo-1011001 (coretime-rococo-0.tx1.au1)
🗜 Compressed:            Yes: 78.59%
🎁 Metadata version:      V14
🗳️ system.setCode hash:   0x76dc3bbb799cf2a7ce78c9701cbdfeb6935de0005cd3246f6c57885acd027a49
🗳️ authorizeUpgrade hash: 0xf42623a120c3ecdd28163fbbc30164be220d83aa00da6ab1cdbf6eaba1ac502d
🗳️ Blake2-256 hash:       0x47a15a7238b55b8c99395a86ab86e27e64f3736ae03c4871d44a108b7136be1f
📦 IPFS:                  QmQFp1ZQ7vP5KzrNtP3VSsWZJfsXmE24awKWcBGz2Tv7VJ

Rococo People

🏋️ Runtime Size:          955.66 kB (978598 bytes)
🔥 Core Version:          people-rococo-1011001 (people-rococo-0.tx1.au1)
🗜 Compressed:            Yes: 78.66%
🎁 Metadata version:      V14
🗳️ system.setCode hash:   0xaaa69aadadcd5c43af7d2d43bb53ea3fcf2a5d21c91f759adcd9ed9041c76bd9
🗳️ authorizeUpgrade hash: 0xff1ecf72a4d57eb73fd672ccc4632ab9169cd23aa2172fd70788c433e0dbaf85
🗳️ Blake2-256 hash:       0xe296c51a095a81e09b4a9657667cd5337a6a9ac73fd58736018b629f8e37b022
📦 IPFS:                  QmZv672n5ZffqZ4Bh7LKSU7bYzTQD5vCmU8mDT5zczcvfw


🏋️ Runtime Size:          1.77 MB (1852264 bytes)
🔥 Core Version:          westend-1011001 (parity-westend-0.tx25.au2)
🗜 Compressed:            Yes: 79.13%
🎁 Metadata version:      V14
🗳️ system.setCode hash:   0x2b1081318084af649e9a2becb99bead702323e2a4d257d27875e837d9fab1ba9
🗳️ authorizeUpgrade hash: 0xa3b54dcfeb81629e1e134e4ac82a81c8f921629d4af09564fe8fc9bb8950dd45
🗳️ Blake2-256 hash:       0x4cdb473e3262fa8b813c57aca6cadc55a0f0fea8ce65c8bea9995e8366cce341
📦 IPFS:                  QmSg25huqBc7pxkMrU9XK4g5pffdfgoerDb3QrDBDJCiLU

Westend Assethub

🏋️ Runtime Size:          1.27 MB (1333003 bytes)
🔥 Core Version:          westmint-1011001 (westmint-0.tx16.au1)
🗜 Compressed:            Yes: 80.1%
🎁 Metadata version:      V14
🗳️ system.setCode hash:   0x3eb03953cff9ce425dc578f10010f8397596116e25ebd6eba3e0b896bdfc5f98
🗳️ authorizeUpgrade hash: 0x7c12a67bd6d804fd0f564f26fd31d60b879bda4e35c3e41a7731d47c71ea8ecb
🗳️ Blake2-256 hash:       0xdc846af4c1461a8a9c45c366ac483efa5c98a436a8f5ad3deb1329755247f1dc
📦 IPFS:                  QmbR5eBKNU4zwQp1FDAFbjU27mrZFUWbG1LkE5EDATuQUQ

Westend Bridgehub

🏋️ Runtime Size:          1.05 MB (1096284 bytes)
🔥 Core Version:          bridge-hub-westend-1011001 (bridge-hub-westend-0.tx5.au1)
🗜 Compressed:            Yes: 78.35%
🎁 Metadata version:      V14
🗳️ system.setCode hash:   0xb558394177cfd8c421a1440a67bbf9459ab40ef4d192d3943f962b22bf05d080
🗳️ authorizeUpgrade hash: 0x346d8dabe7d6123a2f5f38438c6e2f2eec549d080fa286678e27a30ea7014e1a
🗳️ Blake2-256 hash:       0x26ebb25f2750c4d04ea5b2d0aeaf177fe0806074d020d87c9597c5b06a98d958
📦 IPFS:                  QmdaLvk2XehsqVY7VXP3GT5ur2us6tqLiQvDb5A86zPxgZ

Westend Collectives

🏋️ Runtime Size:          1.11 MB (1167343 bytes)
🔥 Core Version:          collectives-westend-1011001 (collectives-westend-0.tx6.au1)
🗜 Compressed:            Yes: 79.53%
🎁 Metadata version:      V14
🗳️ system.setCode hash:   0xa1a7821d361891f623a8d0d613d9f4ca6b0542744247ce7cd3f50cf836b6f678
🗳️ authorizeUpgrade hash: 0xb5142cc0704164715bc561ba4f3e91c44336fafdc7b0a23a45aba51fd60223eb
🗳️ Blake2-256 hash:       0xf70030ee4937732edad3ffa005fc7c08695666ab7442eceb4e3ca2a75a6715fc
📦 IPFS:                  QmQprhBhJWs2nLC2JJWRx96x9T2RYgzR5EkMfYfmpdsHJi

Westend Coretime

🏋️ Runtime Size:          960.79 kB (983846 bytes)
🔥 Core Version:          coretime-westend-1011001 (coretime-westend-0.tx1.au1)
🗜 Compressed:            Yes: 78.79%
🎁 Metadata version:      V14
🗳️ system.setCode hash:   0x04a37aabc5553e66dcfb583f7c984e48f49f3149e9ad010ea3e704778c97fc83
🗳️ authorizeUpgrade hash: 0x23a22c523e2fa362c5d45484fdaaf9f8fa35f789b22a02d8786bb5cd6dcced59
🗳️ Blake2-256 hash:       0xe93ef82bce9494a2b0e7b2d156414193e8556a0dc51feb933e933fd33879664e
📦 IPFS:                  QmbQDWfhM1BYcmFQZtcW99WWNEF5Sk6M9ChuJ8pjAnkmWF

Westend Glutton

🏋️ Runtime Size:          590.33 kB (604503 bytes)
🔥 Core Version:          glutton-westend-1011001 (glutton-westend-0.tx1.au1)
🗜 Compressed:            Yes: 76.43%
🎁 Metadata version:      V14
🗳️ system.setCode hash:   0x89a5675a178c32020c2c0ff96d007cf5617b83a121bf2ba482acee87c95e9936
🗳️ authorizeUpgrade hash: 0x4ff89db12ae22f0ca5a30759c4cbd6ebbc7908a291bff4091f7f2c59a07c6b09
🗳️ Blake2-256 hash:       0xf16b22e6557d7c113b5cc180285779a9699fb0d974fe5f0547c03aa805a8a320
📦 IPFS:                  QmUy3ENe5fuqWA9EZUZPoadxRztvxqG6s33pC7yRxnsmM8

Westend People

🏋️ Runtime Size:          957.68 kB (980664 bytes)
🔥 Core Version:          people-westend-1011001 (people-westend-0.tx1.au1)
🗜 Compressed:            Yes: 78.59%
🎁 Metadata version:      V14
🗳️ system.setCode hash:   0x9733b662efbdfb66d0733c94b6fb309da2fc72b3c3b4938c311a2de4ca00c24b
🗳️ authorizeUpgrade hash: 0x63f2639721e9b6a84ccb84b2df376ed0f33054beb5a78e4fbc71a19c37f67b42
🗳️ Blake2-256 hash:       0x96b630f31c856da0eb75940c96d5d8ba5032f713e43202ed709ee4306f6d9d9e
📦 IPFS:                  QmYa2ADMtH12NWJfu53RtGLCcosRvpQJPGKFz7RPmVqNHw

相关地址:原始地址 下载(tar) 下载(zip)

1、 asset-hub-rococo_runtime-v1011001.compact.compressed.wasm 1.29MB

2、 asset-hub-westend_runtime-v1011001.compact.compressed.wasm 1.27MB

3、 bridge-hub-rococo_runtime-v1011002.compact.compressed.wasm 1.32MB

4、 bridge-hub-westend_runtime-v1011001.compact.compressed.wasm 1.05MB

5、 collectives-westend_runtime-v1011001.compact.compressed.wasm 1.11MB

6、 contracts-rococo_runtime-v1011001.compact.compressed.wasm 1.25MB

7、 coretime-rococo_runtime-v1011001.compact.compressed.wasm 963.73KB

8、 coretime-westend_runtime-v1011001.compact.compressed.wasm 960.79KB

9、 frame-omni-bencher 21.22MB

10、 glutton-westend_runtime-v1011001.compact.compressed.wasm 590.33KB

11、 people-rococo_runtime-v1011001.compact.compressed.wasm 955.66KB

12、 people-westend_runtime-v1011001.compact.compressed.wasm 957.68KB

13、 polkadot 105.35MB

14、 polkadot-execute-worker 13.98MB

15、 polkadot-execute-worker.asc 228B

16、 polkadot-execute-worker.sha256 90B

17、 polkadot-parachain 153.3MB

18、 polkadot-parachain.asc 228B

19、 polkadot-parachain.sha256 85B

20、 polkadot-prepare-worker 14.71MB

21、 polkadot-prepare-worker.asc 228B

22、 polkadot-prepare-worker.sha256 90B

23、 polkadot.asc 228B

24、 polkadot.sha256 75B

25、 rococo_runtime-v1011001.compact.compressed.wasm 1.87MB

26、 westend_runtime-v1011001.compact.compressed.wasm 1.77MB
