版本发布时间: 2024-04-26 09:56:31
justcallmekoko/ESP32Marauder最新发布版本:v1.0.0(2024-06-27 22:37:48)
- Add Save SSIDs menu and command
- Add Load SSIDs menu and command
- Add Save APs menu and command
- Add Load APs menu and command
- Show ESSID if it exists during beacon/AP scans, else show BSSID
Please see GPS Modification to find out how to add GPS capabilities to your Marauder.
Flipper Zero Marauder Companion App: Be sure to install the latest version of the Marauder Companion to use these new features on your Flipper Zero
Additional Resources Project Issues Install/Update Instructions ESP32 Marauder companion app My Discord
Please check which Marauder you are using by looking at the front face of the PCB (side with the screen). If it says v6.1, use the v6.1 bin. If it says v6, use the v6 bin.
Hardware | Binary Version |
v4 (OG) | _old_hardware.bin |
v6 | _new_hardware.bin /_v6.bin |
v6.1 | _v6_1.bin |
Kit | _kit.bin |
Mini | _mini.bin |
Flipper Zero | _flipper.bin |
MutliBoard S3 | _multiboardS3.bin |
LDDB/NodeMCU/Wemos | _lddb.bin |
Dev Board Pro | _marauder_dev_board_pro.bin |
ESP32-S2 Reverse Feather | _rev_feather.bin |
1、 esp32_marauder_v0_13_10_20240425_esp32_lddb.bin 1.19MB
2、 esp32_marauder_v0_13_10_20240425_flipper.bin 948.47KB
3、 esp32_marauder_v0_13_10_20240425_kit.bin 1.47MB
4、 esp32_marauder_v0_13_10_20240425_m5stickc_plus.bin 1.39MB
5、 esp32_marauder_v0_13_10_20240425_marauder_dev_board_pro.bin 1.22MB
6、 esp32_marauder_v0_13_10_20240425_mini.bin 1.38MB
7、 esp32_marauder_v0_13_10_20240425_multiboardS3.bin 961.95KB
8、 esp32_marauder_v0_13_10_20240425_old_hardware.bin 1.47MB
9、 esp32_marauder_v0_13_10_20240425_rev_feather.bin 1.1MB
10、 esp32_marauder_v0_13_10_20240425_v6.bin 1.47MB
11、 esp32_marauder_v0_13_10_20240425_v6_1.bin 1.47MB