


版本发布时间: 2015-07-11 20:05:52

kenwheeler/slick最新发布版本:1.8.0(2017-09-12 19:17:37)

Accessibility updates

PR from @msrafi #1467 notes: due to tabindex property, some browsers may include default styling to highlight the slide which has focus. You can override this with .slick-slide:focus { outline:0 } or even better to make the slide appear highlighted in some way for your users with poor sight.

slide option fixed

PR from @simeydotme #1357 notes: fixes #1517 and #1353 regarding the slide option not filtering the carousel properly (at all).

Enhancing the arrow states

PR from @simeydotme #1331 notes: default and custom arrows should now hide correctly, also there is a new css class slick-hidden which will default hide the arrows when there's not enough slides to slide, where as slick-disabled can be used to indicate when the slider has reached the end of a non-infinite carousel.

Setting Responsive Options in setOption method

PR from @simeydotme #1334 notes: fixing #327 and closing #335 this should now allow setting of n * breakpoint responsive settings with the setOption method using code like: , .slick("setOption", "responsive", [{ ... }]); .. for an example you can see the new syntax working here:

Vertical Margin fix

PR from @nyusaf #1499 notes: Fixes a bug whereby the vertical margins on a vertical slider were incorrectly calculated by .outerHeight() method as described in #1498

Bower package name fixed

PR from @sindhus notes: Bower package name was out of date. Sorted.

currentSlide option fixed

PR from @janrode #1376 notes: the initialSlide option was being used during breakpoints, instead of currentSlide causing the slide to reset back to initial value. Fixed.

lazy loaded images fixed

PR from @simeydotme #1360 notes: fixing #1354 where the images were not being given the correct opacity after loading. It was to do with a race condition. Fixed.

z-index improvement

PR from @nominalaeon notes: closes #896 regarding the z-indexes being really crazy. New option set in the slider: zIndex.

fade option improvement

PR from @ethanclevenger91 notes: closes many issues regarding the fading of slides.

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