


版本发布时间: 2024-04-22 16:31:34

redisson/redisson最新发布版本:redisson-3.29.0(2024-04-22 16:31:34)

Feature - NewObjectListener added to track created objects
Feature - NewObjectListener and SetObjectListener can be registered with RKeys.addListener() method
Feature - subscribeOnElements(), subscribeOnLastElements() and subscribeOnFirstElements() methods wait for CompletionStage to complete before polling a next element
Feature - shardedSubscriptionMode setting added in Cluster configuration
Feature - RSemaphore.trySetPermits() method with ttl parameter added
Feature - getDeletedIds() method added to RStream AutoClaimResult object

Improvement - responses map lock replaced with fine-grained entry locking in RRemoteService and RScheduledExecutorService

Fixed - RStream.autoClaim() method throws ClassCastException
Fixed - RSearch aggregate expression applied incorrectly
Fixed - LocalCachedMapDisabledKey event is parsed incorrectly if local cache used with RTransaction
Fixed - Slave node in cluster mode isn't shutdown properly if readMode = MASTER and subscribeMode = MASTER (regression since 3.27.2)
Fixed - race condition during cluster topology update causes slave added/removed events
Fixed - OSGi MANIFEST should define optional dependencies
Fixed - TimeoutException is thrown if connectionMinimumIdleSize = 0
Fixed - ClassCastException is thrown for Reactive/Rx RemoteService invocation if Redisson instance isn't Reactive/Rx
Fixed - semaphore object is not deleted after RLocalCachedMap.clearLocalCache() method invocation
Fixed - AggregationOptions.groupBy() setting with reducers used in RSearch.aggregate() method causes an exception
Fixed - AggregationOptions.groupBy() setting usage with RSearch.aggregate() method causes an exception if reducers aren't defined
Fixed - AggregationOptions.sortBy() setting usage with RSearch.aggregate() method causes an exception
Fixed - resource leak error when executing multiple contains operation of RSet in transaction (thanks to @wynn5a)
Fixed - jmockit upgraded to 1.52.0 inside maven-surefire-plugin (thanks to @roharon)

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